Saturday, July 2, 2011

Shynes & introvert

Most people think that being "shy" and being "introverted" are the
same thing. They use the two words as if they are identical.

In reality Sean Cooper will tell you there's a huge difference
between shyness and introversion, as he explains below.

Introverted People Have a Preference

Someone who is introverted likes to be alone more than the
"average" person. They may enjoy solitary activities like
playing video games or reading books. They may also dislike
group activities like going out to bars or socializing.
Introverts also usually have fewer and closer friends than
extroverts, who tend to have many more friends.

In short, being an introvert comes down to a personal preference.
You prefer to spend more of your free time by yourself. It comes
down to choosing to do what you personally enjoy.

Introversion is all about YOU.

Shy People Have a Fear

Shyness is totally different from introversion. Shyness isn't a
preference, but a fear.

When you are shy, you are constantly worried and afraid about what
other people think of you. You care a lot about how you are coming
across to others. Your fear of other people's opinions makes you
self-conscious, inhibited and quiet, especially around strangers.

Shyness is basically a nice word for fear. Unlike introverts, who
prefer to "keep to themselves," shy people may "keep to themselves"
simply because they are avoiding anxiety, discomfort and fear.

Shyness is not about you and your preferences, but about OTHER
PEOPLE. Worrying about how other people perceive you and whether
they will disapprove of you.

Which One Do You Have?

So what's the difference between shyness and introversion? Shyness
is a fear of other people's negative opinion and reactions, while
introversion is a preference to spend time alone and has nothing to
do with fear.

How can you figure out whether you're shy or introverted? Pay
attention to how you feel inside when you are around people.
Imagine you have to make a speech in front of a group of people and
think about how you would feel inside.

If you would feel anxious, tense, scared, or nervous, then you have
shyness. You have a fear of the situation. Other symptoms of
shyness include not knowing what to say, being too quiet, or having
physical reactions like sweating, shaking or blushing. Someone who
is shy may spend a lot of time by themselves, not because they
prefer to, but because they want to avoid the fear and other
uncomfortable feelings they get when they are put under the
pressure of other people's eyes.

On the other hand, if you can make presentations to groups
comfortably and talk to other people with ease, but you still spend
a lot of your time by yourself, then you are probably introverted.

If you don't feel fear or anxiety around people, but you still
choose to be by yourself, then it probably means you have a
preference for being solitary.

Shyness Is a Problem, Introversion Often Isn't

There may be nothing wrong with someone who enjoys spending time
alone. Everybody is different and has different personal tastes in
the types of activities they enjoy. Some people just don't enjoy
being a social butterfly and that's fine.

However, shyness, which is basically the fear of other people's
negative judgment, is a problem that should be tackled head-on.
It's a problem because it isn't voluntary: people can't choose
whether or not to be anxious and nervous around others.

The bottom line is: shyness makes your life worse, not better. Shy
people would usually love to have more friends and get a better
social life, but their fear stops them from doing what they want.

Removing this fear is a worthwhile goal that will improve your
quality of life.

If you have shyness or social anxiety and want to find out a way to
overcome it, then check out this great program by Sean Cooper who
contributed the wisdom above:

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