Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Are you alive ?

I didn’t realize at the time, though I do now, that many
people don’t really enjoy life.

Many people don’t know ‘how’ to enjoy life.

Many people love the ‘victim feeling’ of the past, or live
in the future. Few live in the now. Few enjoy the moment.

There really is an ‘art’ to living the confident and
enjoyable life.

Too many people have been brought up in a culture of fear
and this mental mud has beaten down their spirit.

Soaking in fear, soaking in past negative programming leads
to feelings of inadequacy and feeling inferior.

The fear dominated mindset rarely experiences the power of

Are you interested in staying alive all your life?

Here’s a powerful quote from the author Jonathan Swift.

“May you live all the days of your life.”

Read it again.

“May you live all the days of your life.”

Most people don’t realize how powerful their past plays in
their current thinking and actions.

Click here to learn how to 'Conquer Yourself'

Everyone’s been hurt. Forgive the people in your past. Live
your life right now.

The greatest threat to confident living is SELF

The preoccupation with self is the guarantee of

Lose yourself in others to find yourself.

Then you’ll experience real happiness.

The mass of people live lives of quiet desperation because
they are SELFISH.

The inward focus guarantees despair.

Let go. Take your focus off yourself.

Make somebody else happy.


It has been said, “All people die, only some live.”

The best way to leave the challenges in your past is to get
the focus off yourself.

Volunteer. Help someone. Teach something. Donate money. Time.

This message has been taught for thousands of years. Use it.

“May you live all the days of your life.”

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