Sunday, July 10, 2011


Today is Day #25 in our 30 day journey!

Let's talk about the topic of products and services. Not a day goes by that I don't receive a FB note or Twitter DM or email where someone is asking me if they should be doing their blog differently if they offer a service. Or..... should I be talking about my products often, how do I sell products?

One thing I'll tell you is to WATCH what I do. We are a company that has both products and services. This does not change the way we market things. The reality is people are the 'consumers' of your products and services. People are the ones who buy your products or services. One of the biggest tickets to success on your blog is to always remember that PEOPLE are your focus more than anything.

When you are marketing a service, you need to be sure there are result-oriented testimonials on your website. Same thing is true with products.

When you write copy about your services you must focus on the results, the benefits, you bring your clients. Same thing is true with products.

It is critical that you understand what people want from the products or services. Do they want a great tasting shake? Or do they want a small body so they feel better again? Do they really want to earn more money? Or do they want the worry to leave about their future. Tap into what your prospects and future clients really want- this is the key to marketing ANY product or service online.

Even if you are a B to B business, which we are, the connection between Business to Business is what? People. Now you're getting it.

Tomorrow I'll have a video on this topic where we'll talk again about how to write good copy for each category- product or service.

Have an amazing day!

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