Saturday, July 2, 2011

How to change life

There are 7 things that you can do to change the way your mind and body react to setbacks.

1. Understand which obstacles are truly inevitable or insurmountable. Keep in mind that few are. Blindness is one. The death of a partner or loved one is another. The weather is a third. Know the difference between unexpected changes that you absolutely can't control and those things you can overcome.

2. Don't be emotionally defeated by inevitable change. Reframe the experience. Ask yourself, "Where is the silver lining?" Don't stop asking until you find one. There is always a silver lining. There are usually dozens of them.

3. Consult with other people who have experienced the same problem. Don't complain. Don't seek comfort. Seek practical knowledge. Ask their advice.

4. Read something inspirational to make you feel better.

5. Recognize that the biggest threat to you is not the problem itself but how you react to it.

6. Understand that if you give in to the problem, your body will begin to shut down. It will deny you the energy you need to move on and succeed. Energy is the key. Do everything you can to energize yourself. Rest, but not too long. Meditate, but only to feel better. Walk or run or exercise, but again only hard enough to stimulate energy.

7. Figure out how to have fun

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