Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Today is Day #28 in our 30 day journey!

Today we are talking about the power of social media and your blog yet again.

Many people believe that social media is 'just another fun tool' to use when blogging. This couldn't be further from the truth! Social media happens to be the #1 way of building rapport, connection and getting input from your clients on the internet today!

But just 'being' on social media doesn't make anyone any money anymore than creating a blog does. We have to connect with our audience, listen to them and serve them with exactly what they are asking for.

Listening.. it is the #1 skill that creates success in business.

Not public speaking. Not blogging. Not massive advertising! Many people have blown tens of thousands of dollars in advertising online. Their ads don't convert because they are not paying attention to what the clients are asking for.

So.... when we're on social media, be sure to be talking the language that your clients already love. Clue- it's their own. :)

When you're on social media, ask questions. Take polls, host contests. Just ask people how they are doing, what is their sticking point, what is the one thing they wish they could change today. People LOVE to give their input!

This is the beauty of social media, where you can ask your ideal client where they're at, and then you can give it to them if it's within your power to do so, and have a blast serving people that way.

Are you using a Twitter and a Facebook account? My tip for you today is to set one up. Add me, I'll be your first friend!

You can find me here:

Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/sandikrakowskibiz
Twitter Page: http://www.twitter.com/sandikrakowski

Then I want you to connect these to your blog. You can see an example of that on our website. Give people an opportunity to connect with you. Invite them through your auto responder messages. Ask them to give you input on your articles in your newsletters by connecting with you through social media. On your "Contact Us" page, have your Facebook and Twitter account so that people can connect with you quickly!

NEVER ever ever underestimate the power of social media. Today, it's a lifeblood that NO business should be without!

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