Sunday, July 10, 2011


Today is Day #26 in our 30 day journey!

I was going to send you a video today on products and services and got to thinking that writing this out is going to be easier to understand. So here are some more thoughts on marketing products and services.

Always remember this one fact- people purchase products that make them feel good. They also purchase services that do the same. Even if someone is an engineer, accountant or lawyer- you know, the very analytical sort, they still purchase on emotion. While they might tend to research more than anyone else, the bottom line is their decision is made on emotion. What makes them feel more competent, on task, in charge, in control and ahead of the game. This emotion fuels this personality more than any other. If things are in order, strategically aligned step by step in a congruent fashion so that black and white are aligned perfectly, the emotion is satisfied.

A different quadrant or personality type might not be motivated by these emotions at all. As a matter of fact they might be confused, overwhelmed and made to feel stupid! The person who is motivated by service is put off and even taken aback by all of this analytical jargon. If pushed too far, they could even be made to feel incompetent and inferior! This is NOT a good place for your prospect to be!

The person motivated by fun, excitement, doing things on 'the fly' and impulse who adores people and lives for the next rush might even feel like they are in trouble if you push these emotions too far! So... what can you do?

It's critical that you find out who your ideal client is. They speak a specific language and they also live to have the emotions tied to that language satisfied. The "urgent pressing problem" that your product or service satisfies must be answered through your website. It must not lean towards any ONE personality too far, or you'll lose people. Face it, all 4 personality types buy products and services, but they are MOTIVATED differently. Here's an article we did on the 4 U's of copywriting that you should print out and read.

The 4 U's In Copywriting

When marketing your products or services online, learn more about your clients and potential clients than you do your products or services and as Tony Robbins teaches, you'll go farther than anyone else in the marketplace. He was the one to coin the phrase, "It's A People Business!" and man was he right! I've spent a considerable amount of my career learning to talk to, influence and serve people. This alone is the key to marketing products and services.

Share your story.
Share the stories of others.
Pay attention to what people want.
Listen, take notes, listen, take notes and listen again.

This will pay you handsomely!

See you tomorrow with more on making money on your blog! We have 4 days left and they're going to be packed full!

If you are at the point where you want to take your business further, it might be a good idea to take a look at our coaching services. Do you need some more one on one help from me to get you to where you are going? I'm here to serve you.

We have a community on Facebook and Twitter that has become a "Life Line" for many business owners. It's a place for support, encouragement and breaking news. It's also a great place for connection and valuable content!

If you haven't already become a part of our Inner Circle Coaching group, where I'm sharing videos every single week and a live call once per month- come on over NOW! :)

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