Saturday, July 2, 2011


Today's training is being done by email even though I would typically send out a video today. We're on Day # 18!

Let's talk about lowering your Alexa ranking some more and how to get higher into the Organic Rankings on Google. These two things alone will bring visitors to your site for your keywords.

Blogging regularly and then getting people to your site every single day is the goal. Don't just drive people to your website with the current blog post, but drive them to your website with these activities as well:

1. When you post a video from You Tube be sure they go 'through' your website. So Google and Alexa 'sees' that the traffic is going from point of contact - email, social media..... TO your blog and then TO You Tube or Vimeo. Best bet yet is to embed the video into your Blog page or post and have it there.

2. When you are on Twitter or Facebook, drive traffic BACK to your website. Feature an old article, one of your sales pages, ask a question and create a page for people to comment on. All of this traffic works in your favor with lowering the Alexa ranking.

3. Some of you asked me to go in deeper with the "Team TLC" Campaign. Here's how that works:

Find 3-4 friends who will commit over the course of 8 weeks to Tweet, Like & Comment on your blog posts when they go live. When you're done publishing your blog post, ask them to come by and "T"weet it to their friends and "L"ike it on Facebook and then "C"omment in the comment sections. This will affect your Alexa ranking going down FAST as well!

We've had some members of our coaching program working together doing the above 3 steps and they've seen their Alexa rank go from 3 MILLION to 450,000 in less than 30 days by these simple activities.

Here's why you want your Alexa rank as low as possible:

1. Most advertisers and JV partners will only do business with people whose rank is below 500,000. This shows there is activity at the site, a regular list and a serious blogger.

2. The lower your rank, the better you'll be positioned in Google. The more T, L, C's you get the better! Now you see why I really emphasize this.

3. If you you ever do any Google PPC ads, this will also help with your relevancy score. Your keywords need to be relevant with your content.

My friends, it's not as complicated as you might have earlier thought to make money with your blog!

Many of my clients, who are Moms, who had no clue how they were going to make money online are now, in less than 90 days, making more than their husbands are. Is that crazy or what?!

Jeanette Webb is a homeschooling Mom who wrote me to tell me her husband made her deposits from her little info publishing company last week and she made more than he did in Corporate America! Hullo?!

Charlotte Siems is a homeschooling Mom of 12 children and she sells digital products as well in a small info publishing business. She just wrote me this morning to say she made $ 2450.00 in just 72 hours with a list of just 1000 people.

Kim Garst is one of our clients who is a Mom as well and she runs a branding company from home. She said that she's making cold hard cash with the work she's been doing on LinkedIn because of the training she's getting from us.

.....and we're seeing Best Selling Authors like PJ McClure rise in promotion on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles because of their blog activity!

I'm so grateful you've chosen to spend this time with me. We've got 12 more days together and they are going to be great!

You're doing a great job today! Have an amazing day!

With love,

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