Thursday, July 14, 2011


Today is Day # 30!! You've MADE IT!! Can you believe it?

Today is a day to celebrate! I'm sending this out later in the day because to be very honest with you.... I'm not sure how to end our course! :(

Not very many people can stick with something for 30 days, but YOUhave shown the commitment of a champion. My friends, it takes a CHAMPION to run a business. This is why not everyone can do it... not everyone has the fortitude and the stick to it attitude that is required.

But YOU did it!

Today's topic is going to be on newsletters again. Why? Because it is such an amazing tool for connection, keeping your list healthy and really building a regular place for input and education with your clients.

Newsletters are a place to teach, give great content, ask questions, keep your clients updated on what is going on in the company and more! And here's a BIG secret- your newsletter should be 60% content, 40% relationship. One of the biggest mistakes people make when publishing newsletters is they leave out the relationship. No one 'craves' a big piece of information everyday... they crave relationship. So when you send out your content, be sure to 'sandwich' it with connection.

The layout of a newsletter is key.... have a warm and inviting opening. Then your feature article. Have a place where you update your clients on what is going on. Give input from readers. Feature a product or event. Give closing comments. It's that easy!

If you market makeup, software, clothing, handbags, information, massage oils, tax preparing services or anything... a newsletter is a great connection piece.

I'll close with this. The #1 key to my success through the years and my ability to stay on top of things is directly related to who I hang around with. Who is pouring thoughts into my head all day through the information I read, the relationships I keep, the media I listen to is hugely responsible for what occurs in my life. So... who are you keeping company with? Who do you listen to the most? Pay very close attention to the 5 people who influence you the most on a daily basis!

We have a community on Facebook and Twitter that has become a "Life Line" for many business owners. It's a place for support, encouragement and breaking news. It's also a great place for connection and valuable content!

If you haven't already become a part of our Inner Circle Coaching group, where I'm sharing videos every single week and a live call once per month- come on over NOW! :)

If you've never had anyone believe in you..... you do NOW! I believe in you, your dreams and your passions! It is an honor to call you my friend! God bless you! :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Today is Day #28 in our 30 day journey!

Today we are talking about the power of social media and your blog yet again.

Many people believe that social media is 'just another fun tool' to use when blogging. This couldn't be further from the truth! Social media happens to be the #1 way of building rapport, connection and getting input from your clients on the internet today!

But just 'being' on social media doesn't make anyone any money anymore than creating a blog does. We have to connect with our audience, listen to them and serve them with exactly what they are asking for.

Listening.. it is the #1 skill that creates success in business.

Not public speaking. Not blogging. Not massive advertising! Many people have blown tens of thousands of dollars in advertising online. Their ads don't convert because they are not paying attention to what the clients are asking for.

So.... when we're on social media, be sure to be talking the language that your clients already love. Clue- it's their own. :)

When you're on social media, ask questions. Take polls, host contests. Just ask people how they are doing, what is their sticking point, what is the one thing they wish they could change today. People LOVE to give their input!

This is the beauty of social media, where you can ask your ideal client where they're at, and then you can give it to them if it's within your power to do so, and have a blast serving people that way.

Are you using a Twitter and a Facebook account? My tip for you today is to set one up. Add me, I'll be your first friend!

You can find me here:

Facebook Fan Page:
Twitter Page:

Then I want you to connect these to your blog. You can see an example of that on our website. Give people an opportunity to connect with you. Invite them through your auto responder messages. Ask them to give you input on your articles in your newsletters by connecting with you through social media. On your "Contact Us" page, have your Facebook and Twitter account so that people can connect with you quickly!

NEVER ever ever underestimate the power of social media. Today, it's a lifeblood that NO business should be without!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Today is Day #26 in our 30 day journey!

I was going to send you a video today on products and services and got to thinking that writing this out is going to be easier to understand. So here are some more thoughts on marketing products and services.

Always remember this one fact- people purchase products that make them feel good. They also purchase services that do the same. Even if someone is an engineer, accountant or lawyer- you know, the very analytical sort, they still purchase on emotion. While they might tend to research more than anyone else, the bottom line is their decision is made on emotion. What makes them feel more competent, on task, in charge, in control and ahead of the game. This emotion fuels this personality more than any other. If things are in order, strategically aligned step by step in a congruent fashion so that black and white are aligned perfectly, the emotion is satisfied.

A different quadrant or personality type might not be motivated by these emotions at all. As a matter of fact they might be confused, overwhelmed and made to feel stupid! The person who is motivated by service is put off and even taken aback by all of this analytical jargon. If pushed too far, they could even be made to feel incompetent and inferior! This is NOT a good place for your prospect to be!

The person motivated by fun, excitement, doing things on 'the fly' and impulse who adores people and lives for the next rush might even feel like they are in trouble if you push these emotions too far! So... what can you do?

It's critical that you find out who your ideal client is. They speak a specific language and they also live to have the emotions tied to that language satisfied. The "urgent pressing problem" that your product or service satisfies must be answered through your website. It must not lean towards any ONE personality too far, or you'll lose people. Face it, all 4 personality types buy products and services, but they are MOTIVATED differently. Here's an article we did on the 4 U's of copywriting that you should print out and read.

The 4 U's In Copywriting

When marketing your products or services online, learn more about your clients and potential clients than you do your products or services and as Tony Robbins teaches, you'll go farther than anyone else in the marketplace. He was the one to coin the phrase, "It's A People Business!" and man was he right! I've spent a considerable amount of my career learning to talk to, influence and serve people. This alone is the key to marketing products and services.

Share your story.
Share the stories of others.
Pay attention to what people want.
Listen, take notes, listen, take notes and listen again.

This will pay you handsomely!

See you tomorrow with more on making money on your blog! We have 4 days left and they're going to be packed full!

If you are at the point where you want to take your business further, it might be a good idea to take a look at our coaching services. Do you need some more one on one help from me to get you to where you are going? I'm here to serve you.

We have a community on Facebook and Twitter that has become a "Life Line" for many business owners. It's a place for support, encouragement and breaking news. It's also a great place for connection and valuable content!

If you haven't already become a part of our Inner Circle Coaching group, where I'm sharing videos every single week and a live call once per month- come on over NOW! :)


"Beethoven was deaf, Milton was blind, but their names will last as long as time endures, because the dreamed and translated their dreams into organized thought.

There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing until s/he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish. Open-mindedness is essential for belief. Closed minds do not inspire faith, courage, and belief.

Remember, no more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity, than is required to accept misery and poverty. A great poet has correctly stated this universal truth through these lines:

'I bargained with Life for a penny,

And Life would pay no more,

However I begged at evening

When I counted my scanty store.

For Life is a just employer,

He gives you what you ask,

But once you have set the wages,

Why, you must bear the task.

I worked for a menial's hire,

Only to learn, dismayed,

That any wage I has asked of Life,

Life would have willingly paid.'"


Today is Day #25 in our 30 day journey!

Let's talk about the topic of products and services. Not a day goes by that I don't receive a FB note or Twitter DM or email where someone is asking me if they should be doing their blog differently if they offer a service. Or..... should I be talking about my products often, how do I sell products?

One thing I'll tell you is to WATCH what I do. We are a company that has both products and services. This does not change the way we market things. The reality is people are the 'consumers' of your products and services. People are the ones who buy your products or services. One of the biggest tickets to success on your blog is to always remember that PEOPLE are your focus more than anything.

When you are marketing a service, you need to be sure there are result-oriented testimonials on your website. Same thing is true with products.

When you write copy about your services you must focus on the results, the benefits, you bring your clients. Same thing is true with products.

It is critical that you understand what people want from the products or services. Do they want a great tasting shake? Or do they want a small body so they feel better again? Do they really want to earn more money? Or do they want the worry to leave about their future. Tap into what your prospects and future clients really want- this is the key to marketing ANY product or service online.

Even if you are a B to B business, which we are, the connection between Business to Business is what? People. Now you're getting it.

Tomorrow I'll have a video on this topic where we'll talk again about how to write good copy for each category- product or service.

Have an amazing day!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Day #24 in our 30 day journey is on your free offer and how to get more people to want it, open it and use it!

We're coming to our home stretch in this 30 day journey! I hope that you've enjoyed our time together as much as I have! :)

Today, I'm talking about your offer a bit more. This is the Opt In offer you are giving on your website so that people will be a part of our client list. This list is what you market to, have relationship with and build your company with. It must be handled with care, respect and there are a few technical tips as well to follow when it comes to positioning your offer correctly.

#1- Be sure if you are giving away a document or eBook it is in .PDF format. If you send it in .Doc or any other format you'll end up with a lot of problems from people who don't have updated or tuned up computers.

You can create .PDF documents easily with this tool from Adobe.

#2- When doing a video, be sure each portion of the video is not longer than 8-10 minutes. If it is longer you'll lose the attention of your audience. Because this is a no cost offer they are getting, their attention span will be low but their excitement will be very high! So give them 'just enough' content, but not too much.

#3- Be sure you're not using all kinds of super special fonts and graphics in your free report. These will create deliverability problems in most mail servers if you're sending them through the email itself. Better to create a .Doc and then turn it into a .PDF so all can view.

These simple steps will increase your retention and readership and people will want more of what you offer.

Tomorrow, we're talking about the importance of writing a newsletter and how to create one quickly!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Day #21 in our 30 day journey is on the topic of list building.

This is a topic that I absolutely LOVE! Over the course of the last 11 months we've been able to create a list of more than 100,000 clients on our house list and 19,000 on our social media client base (and they are both growing daily by over 200 people!)

So, what are the key focus points in list building? Here is a quick checklist for you:

1. Your Opt In Offer. Be sure your offer is something people want. A tele-class that has nothing but testimonials on it for weight loss might be a good sales tool but it will fail as an opt in offer. Give me critical information that will benefit me immediately. This makes for a great Opt- In offer.

Our Opt- In offers are our 7-Day Video series and our Wordpress Mistake report.

You can see both here:

These are both info products that could have legitimately been sold as a product, but we give them away.

2. Be sure you know who your ideal client is. What motivates them? Inspires them? What keeps them up night?

No one loses sleep because they are worried about whether or not their protein shakes taste great. But I see this everyday- advertisements online that focus on taste! Here's the deal- they lose sleep worrying about whether they'll look horrible in that new dress or the new suit they bought last month for an upcoming event.

Speak to your ideal client in their language. This is so critical it's the focus of my upcoming book, "Read Their Mind". We need to speak to our client in their language, with what motivates them. What motivates us is irrelevant.

3. Make your blog 60% content and 40% relationship. Don't be so information rich that there's no connection. Facts and figures don't sell, connection and stories do. So be sure that you're not overloading people will facts when they want connection.

Richard Branson, Billionaire of Virgin recently spoke on this topic. The biggest companies in the world are speaking on the value of connection. They are all focusing on social media, because this is where connection is being made online. So be very careful if you are giving far too much information and not enough relationship.

I'm going to continue tomorrow on this topic of list building and we'll talk about your Free Offer again. We'll focus on headlines and how to get them to convert!


Day #23 in our 30 day journey is a video on list building.

Here's a quick video I made last night on the T, L, C campaign for your blog. I'm sharing with you how to work with 3-4 business friends or partners to Tweet, Facebook Like and Comment on blog posts so that:

1- Your Alexa score goes DOWN!
2- Your Google relevancy score goes UP!
3- Your organic listings on Google go UP!

It's a beautiful thing- and it's free!

Enjoy this extra video I did today-

We're talking all week about list building! This T,L,C campaign will grow your list, so take it seriously! :)


The 6 Step Process
1. First of all, you want to make sure the person is relaxed.
Laying down on a bed or sitting in a chair is ideal. Make
sure you're somewhere quiet, where there's not much of a
chance that you will be disturbed.

2. For the second step, you want to tell the person that
they will be in control the entire time and they will feel
themselves becoming deeply relaxed. You could say
something such as "and as you listen to my voice,
you will feel your body becoming deeply relaxed now".

3. Once the person is relaxed, have them imagine that they're
walking down a staircase of 20 steps, and ask the person to
count in their minds from 20 down to 0 as they take each step
down. Tell the person that at the end of the staircase is a
state of deep relaxation that cannot be seen, only felt.

Let the person count their steps in their own mind, don't say it
out aloud for them. You can even give the person a couple of
minutes to do this, as it does not matter if there's a minute
or two of silence once they reach the last step.

4. Say the following to the person: "As you feel yourself in
this deeply relaxed state, you will notice that your right
hand is so relaxed, that it feels as if it has a thousand
heavy blankets on top of it. No matter how hard you try to
lift up your right hand, you won't be able to". You will
notice that the person will be unable to lift up their right
hand. Have the person do this with their left hand, and both
of their feet (this is a process known as a 'deepening technique').

5. Once this is done you may plant any suggestions you like within
the person. You could tell the person they will feel more confident,
tell them that they will feel more energy and positive, tell them that they
will exercise frequently in order to lose weight. You can plant almost
any suggestion you like within the person.

6. Once the above steps are complete, simply have the person
imagine that they're walking back up the flight of stairs again,
counting in their minds from 0 until 20. Tell them that once they
reach the top step at 20, they will open their eyes and feel wide
awake and fully alert.

Practice the above example a few times until you become
confident with it. Confidence is the key to using hypnosis
successfully, and once you acquire that confidence, the
process becomes very easy.

This is a great way to hypnotize someone voluntarily.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Day #22 in our 30 day journey is a video on list building.

Let's get to it! Here is your video:

We're talking all week about list building! Enjoy!

Self confidence

In today's world, there is absolutely no room anymore for shrinking violets. You have to know how to have great self confidence, put yourself out there, shine a spotlight on yourself, and astound the world with your presence. This isn't a problem for people who are brimming with self esteem, but what about those who have yet to figure out how to have great self confidence?

It's no big mystery and isn't really something that's programmed into people's chromosomes from birth - it can be cultivated. For all you know, that cool and assured person you've been admiring had to work hard to conquer his shyness.

It usually starts with possessing a healthy amount of self esteem. If you don't know the good qualities you possess, or if you don't believe you have anything worthwhile to offer the world, how can you move forward to success? Here are some tips to help you build your confidence level.

Great Self Confidence Booster #1: Pump Up Your Self Esteem

Start out by assessing yourself. Be honest and brave enough to take a look at yourself; find out who you are and where you presently are in life. But don't start giving negative reviews of yourself.

Learn to have self discipline and silence your inner critic. Stop listening to that little voice of doubt that says you're not good enough or that other people are better than you. Tune in to thoughts that cheer you on and tell you exactly what you're good at. If you feel like focusing on your negative aspects, exercise self control and don't let yourself be overcome with despair. Use this opportunity to figure out how you can improve - and trust me, you can do better.

An important step is for you to take stock of your achievements. What have you accomplished in life? What kind of work are you good at? Do you have any talents or special skills? Answering these questions will give you a better sense of certainty about your abilities and will help you start thinking that, yes, you do have many fine qualities.

Great Self Confidence Booster #2: Overcome Shyness

Shyness prevents you from letting people see the real you, because you're afraid to say or do the wrong thing or to appear awkward. The problem is, by being shy and hanging back from the rest of the crowd, you're already projecting yourself as awkward. Take a look again at the first tip and give yourself a dose of self esteem by reminding yourself of your good traits.

Overcoming shyness doesn't mean that you have to start trying to dominate conversations or hog all the attention. You have to show respect, empathy, and recognition to others. All you need to do is emerge from your shell and be alert; always open yourself to interact with people. Always show your enthusiasm and radiate optimism, and you will naturally attract people's attention.

If someone approaches you, you don't have to look down at your feet or mumble inaudibly. Don't focus on how painfully shy you think you are and just listen to what the other person has to say. Believe it or not, there will be people out there who will have something interesting to say; they will then get you to share your views and ideas. Once you start talking and expressing yourself, then you've already taken a major step on having great self confidence.

Great Self Confidence Booster #3: Get Out There and Just Do It

Many of us don't think we are capable of doing the things we want because we're not sure about ourselves. Again, there's the dreaded voice of doubt. What you want is to be fearless enough so you'll be able to tackle all the things you've ever dreamed of doing.

Fear of failure is a big factor in the crumbling of our self-confidence, and this same fear is caused by our insistence on focusing on the negative side of things. True, it's never a bad thing to be cautious whenever we're thinking of new ventures, adventures, and activities, but too much caution will paralyze us, making us unable to take action.

So why not start thinking positively? Think hard about what you want to do. Join activities that may enhance your leadership and teamwork skills. If you stumble over any doubts or possible problems that will come up, don't immediately say, "I can't do it." Just imagine ways that will help you work around those problems.

Don't just second-guess your plans. Trust in your abilities and the fact that you can bounce back from any situation. That's already a big bonus. An even bigger plus for you is when you actually follow your dreams and achieve your goals, which would even make you feel confident that you can do anything.

Great Self Confidence Booster #4: Dress for Success

Shallow? Not really. You know how there are certain accessories or outfits that make you feel like a million bucks? This works the same way. Instead of putting on clothes that only make you feel drab and dull, choose the very things that make you stand out and feel special. It all starts in how you feel; and if you feel good about yourself, you will really act more confidently (and intelligently) throughout the day.

There are more ways on how to have great self confidence, but these are just some easy tactics for you to try. Building it may be a challenge for some, but just trust yourself and don't let doubt gnaw at you. With a little effort, you'll be shining brightly along with the best of people, so get to work!


Any other skill than medical has nothing to do with the human life. That includes the consideration on anti aging mentality. On the other hand, the medical skill concerns greatly with it. You should not kill human beings with the skill that has been devised to help human beings. The physicians should be selected from the group of persons who are excellent with intelligence and its application as well. If you or your children were born dull or had found having no sense in medical practice, it is necessary to give up this profession. If these persons ever exercise the medical practice, they would not be able to realize the importance of it and might easily hurt people who were born with the love from heaven. It is the sin and might disturb deeply the intention of the heaven.
Would there be any chance for the persons who are born dull? And he reaches to 75 yeas old os that he requires some anti aging tactics? Yes, there are. Every person has their role to serve the society they live in. I have assigned to distribute the wealth that my father had accumulated. I am 68 and had done that. How I am myself? Well tell you the truth, I have never thought that my final years are like this. Then, have I been dreaming any? No, I have not. I have been living without firm intention nor firm objective at all. Then my old
He was 84 at the time of this writing

Hello, this is Ekken!
days, or should I say that the days after retire, is so miserable in a sense. I cannot travel, eat, drink or see what I wish.
Am I unhappy? No, I don't think so. Yesterday, I was watching TV. Yes, I do so during lunch time. The guy who has succeeded in building musium for tin-plate toys said; "Happiness is not the money, not the house or cars that you are holding but the awareness of itself".

Hey, this is deep, right? So, I am not unhappy, at the least. I am happy for I can communicate with you. I am happy for I can walk and can eat, listen what my children says and . . . .

Those are my anit aging measure and I enjoy them daily.
Share |

Attitude of real life

In order to inspire his total devotion, you need to stop using all the wrong ways that most women think work to get love, but really just push men away. These ways prevent men from connecting with you - deeply and emotionally - so your relationships are only temporary or never happen at all.

All they ever lead to are a buddy, a "player" or a man just "passing through" on his way to the "real" love of his life. And you need to stop taking them... right now!... if you want to inspire his affection and commitment.

Wrong Way #1:
The Logical Road (MIND)

You can shine during a discussion and you have a lot in common. You'll impress a man and make him enjoy your company, but you may feel disappointed to learn that he feels no CHEMISTRY.

That's because when you try to connect with a man through his mind, he doesn't FEEL a thing!

Oh, he may "enjoy being with you", but he just never gets TOUCHED by you in a deep, connected, emotional sense.

He never feels like he's about to lose control of himself and fall in love.

Wrong Way #2:
The Physical Road (BODY)

Despite what a lot of women think, men do not become attached through sex, even if it's fabulous. We've all been sold on the idea that a woman who likes sex and is "good" in bed is ALL IMPORTANT to a man.

And it's not. It's just a small part of the whole picture for him.

All it DOES give you is a "sex buddy." Not a partner, not a boyfriend, not a husband. You'll also end up with a broken heart because you'll get attached and he won't want anything "real" with you.

Wrong Way #3:
The Spiritual Road (SPIRIT)

I meet many women who value their spiritual beliefs and want to be with a man who SHARES their values and spiritual interest and commitment.

And it's SO EASY to mistake the friendship that can grow between two people who worship in the same way, who care about the same things, for a passionate, emotional bond.

And yet, all that will get you - at best - is a deep friendship. He'll tell everyone what a great woman you are, but he won't be dreaming about you night after night or longing to hold you in his arms.

The Right Way To Inspire His Devotion:
Connecting Through His Heart!

In order to connect with a man's HEART, so he'll feel compelled to be with you and worship and adore you the way you deserve, you have to drop down into YOUR heart first. Once he feels your heart, he'll open up his, creating a heart-to-heart connection that begins with expressing your feelings and being your most feminine, authentic self.

Most women buy into the lie that "men don't like emotions." But the truth is, a man LOVES emotions. He yearns for a woman who can help him feel his own feelings and therefore allow him to be himself. If you're not in touch with your feelings, he won't feel safe expressing his.

The trick is to learn exactly HOW to express your feelings - in words that will draw a man closer in an amazing way. The usual way we express our feelings comes out sounding either stifled, inauthentic or critical to a man, and does nothing to connect with his heart.

Are you alive ?

I didn’t realize at the time, though I do now, that many
people don’t really enjoy life.

Many people don’t know ‘how’ to enjoy life.

Many people love the ‘victim feeling’ of the past, or live
in the future. Few live in the now. Few enjoy the moment.

There really is an ‘art’ to living the confident and
enjoyable life.

Too many people have been brought up in a culture of fear
and this mental mud has beaten down their spirit.

Soaking in fear, soaking in past negative programming leads
to feelings of inadequacy and feeling inferior.

The fear dominated mindset rarely experiences the power of

Are you interested in staying alive all your life?

Here’s a powerful quote from the author Jonathan Swift.

“May you live all the days of your life.”

Read it again.

“May you live all the days of your life.”

Most people don’t realize how powerful their past plays in
their current thinking and actions.

Click here to learn how to 'Conquer Yourself'

Everyone’s been hurt. Forgive the people in your past. Live
your life right now.

The greatest threat to confident living is SELF

The preoccupation with self is the guarantee of

Lose yourself in others to find yourself.

Then you’ll experience real happiness.

The mass of people live lives of quiet desperation because
they are SELFISH.

The inward focus guarantees despair.

Let go. Take your focus off yourself.

Make somebody else happy.


It has been said, “All people die, only some live.”

The best way to leave the challenges in your past is to get
the focus off yourself.

Volunteer. Help someone. Teach something. Donate money. Time.

This message has been taught for thousands of years. Use it.

“May you live all the days of your life.”

Controlling thought

You ever pay attention to what you're thinking about?

I mean really notice what thoughts are racing through your head.

You have thousands of thoughts everyday, and I know no
one can possibly keep track of every single thought.

But every once in a while stop and pay attention to what your thinking about.

There's a good chance you've got a lot of junk thoughts...
the kind that don't do any good, don't help you succeed
and don't allow you to be happy.

If you think about why you can't do something or why
something won't work out - then those are junk thoughts.

They don't do any good and only focus on the negative.

If you constantly talk about what is wrong or why you can't
do something, then those are also junk thoughts and like
junk they should be thrown out. Sent to the curb or banished
to a wasteland where they'll never be heard from again.

Junk thoughts are really negative, meaningless thoughts.

So why keep this junk in your head?

Wouldn't you rather enjoy success and happiness?

You can when you change your thoughts
and create empowering beliefs that catapult you to a better life.

Today I'll show you how to eliminate the
negative thoughts, get rid of the junk in your head
and create empowering thoughts and beliefs that
supercharge your subconscious so that you
begin living the life you want and enjoy success.
So read on and enjoy!

Negative thoughts serve no purpose, they're useless
and don't help you in any way.

They just make you feel bad, and lead to
negative beliefs which creates a negative lifestyle.

They need to be replaced with that help you, allow
you to succeed, create positive beliefs and lead to
a positive, happy and rewarding life.

So instead of having thoughts of worry, doubt, gloom and
doom, or any negative thoughts, create positive thoughts that help you succeed.

Instead of worrying about what might go wrong, think about what might go right.

Think about how things could work out for you.
Think about how you can improve your life, or try to find solutions.

When you do this you direct your mind and
subconscious mind to regularly focus on the positive things in your life.

And you also direct your subconscious mind
to create more positive situations and positive outcomes.

If you constantly focus on what could go wrong
you'll always create and attract situations that won't work out.

If you regularly focus on how things could work out,
and constantly focus on positive things,
you will attract situations and events that
work out for you and you'll attract more
positive events and people.

Your subconscious mind will always create
situations and events that you regularly think about.
So start replacing those negative and useless
thoughts with positive and constructive thoughts.
Begin directing your mind and subconscious mind
to create the life that you want and you'll begin
achieving your goals sooner than you realize - Visit:

Pay attention to your thoughts.
Observe them - and analyze them.

Ask yourself: Does this thought or belief work for me?
Does it help me?
Does it make me feel better?
If the answer is no, then you have to change it.
You can change the thought by simply thinking
of the opposite or creating a new thought that
helps you create what you want.

For example: If you're constantly thinking about
why you're not good enough or why you can't
achieve something - change those thoughts.
Think about why you are good enough and
why you can achieve something.

As you regularly think about why you can do
something you'll start to believe that you can achieve that goal.
The minute you begin to believe that you can do
something your subconscious mind goes out and
creates the situations to help you achieve that goal.

Start changing your thoughts today.
Begin directing your mind and subconscious mind to
help you live the life you want and achieve your goals - Visit:

You can eliminate the negative thoughts.
You can get rid of the junk in your head.
You can begin to improve your life and achieve your goals.
Start eliminating those negative thoughts today.
Start changing your attitude and begin creating the life you want today.
Make this your time to shine. Visit:

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Day #20 in our 30 day journey is a video I filmed while driving! Don't worry.... it's done on our back roads in the country so I'm safe. :)


We're talking about List Building today!

Watch your video now:

Monday, July 4, 2011


Friends can be an extension or a substitute for the nuclear family. There is a great need in most of us to share life experiences with others. Not only do we learn more about others when we engage in friendship, but we can also learn more about ourselves.

Relationships are mirrors of ourselves. What we attract always mirrors either qualities we have or beliefs we have about relationships. The things we don’t like about our friends are either reflections of what we do or what we believe. We could not attract such people if the way they are didn’t somehow complement our own lives.

When the bond between friends becomes strained, we can look to the negative messages of childhood to understand why. For instance, if we have a friend who is undependable and lets us down, we need to turn within. We need to see where we are undependable and when we let others down. Then, we need to perform a mental housecleaning, removing the negative messages and learning to accept ourselves so that we can accept others.

It’s pointless to run around trying to heal all of our friends. We cannot force others to change. We can offer them a positive mental atmosphere where they have the possibility to change if they wish, but we cannot do it for or to other people. Each person is here to work out his or her own lessons, and if we fix it for them, then they will just go and do it again, because they have not worked out what they needed to do for themselves.

All we can do is love them and allow them to be who they are.

Here are some affirmations for strengthening friendships:

I love and accept myself, and I am a magnet for friends.

I trust myself, I trust life, and I trust my friends.

Loving others is easy when I love and accept myself.

Even if I make a mistake, my friends help me through.

My love and acceptance of others creates lasting friendships.


oday I'd like to talk about something we all hold in high esteem. Our intelligence is something that follows us throughout our lives. But contrary to popular belief, this score is not always constant. In fact, researchers have said for years that events throughout our lives can cause this number to fluctuate profoundly making us either more or less intelligent and resulting in different IQ scores. But the IQ isn't just a number. It's a comprehensive understanding of your ability to recognize patterns, solve problems, and exhibit a level of natural innate intelligence. And it's also one of the many aspect of our lives we're led to believe we have no control over when -in fact- we do.

If you want to be smart, you've made a wise decision. Intelligence is listed as one of the most important traits prospective romantic partners look for in a significant other. It's also one of the things employers take very seriously. If you're smarter you have a better chance at achieving success in both fields. And it's something your friends will notice as well. Our entrainment therapy is designed to do that. Unlock your full cognitive potential today at increase.php

So there's little saying IQ is not important, but how do we change it? Intelligence is linked directly to brain activity. Just as we can slip into a state of mind that promotes very little cognitive response, we can guide our minds to work reactively to our environment and think critically of everything that comes our way. Doing so makes us more prone to resist the constant barrage of information we're being pummeled with at every moment of the day and allows us the power to seek out a better way of living. To put it simply, we owe it to ourselves and those around us to be smarter.

In this guide I'd like to take a look at how we can improve our own intelligence and how we can use both our brainwaves and our environment to make us smarter. There are different types of intelligence covering a variety of subjects including emotional intelligence. But there's no need to end there. We have everything we need to build a brilliant mind, it's just a matter of making those connections happen efficiently so information can pass through them quickly and be retained.

We will be starting next week with mental exercises designed to improve your ability to critically handle situations that may arise with the power of your mind, and some important tips on training your brain to think in bursts of energy for those temporary but tough problems. Part of intelligence building is getting the different hemispheres of your brain to cooperate to minimize distractions, subconscious biases, and get the analytical mind to think about the world in facts and figures when it needs to. By improving your intelligence there is no limit to what you can achieve in the world. If you want to get started right away you can visit us at and be ready for the coming weeks when we will show you how to turn your brain into an intellectual powerhous

Lesson= 19

Day #19 in our 30 day journey is very special. It's YOUR day!

You can ask me any question, tell me how I can better serve you!
Now is the time to "speak up" so I can help you keep moving!

Run on over to my Facebook page now & let me help.

What can I do for you?

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Today's training is being done by email even though I would typically send out a video today. We're on Day # 18!

Let's talk about lowering your Alexa ranking some more and how to get higher into the Organic Rankings on Google. These two things alone will bring visitors to your site for your keywords.

Blogging regularly and then getting people to your site every single day is the goal. Don't just drive people to your website with the current blog post, but drive them to your website with these activities as well:

1. When you post a video from You Tube be sure they go 'through' your website. So Google and Alexa 'sees' that the traffic is going from point of contact - email, social media..... TO your blog and then TO You Tube or Vimeo. Best bet yet is to embed the video into your Blog page or post and have it there.

2. When you are on Twitter or Facebook, drive traffic BACK to your website. Feature an old article, one of your sales pages, ask a question and create a page for people to comment on. All of this traffic works in your favor with lowering the Alexa ranking.

3. Some of you asked me to go in deeper with the "Team TLC" Campaign. Here's how that works:

Find 3-4 friends who will commit over the course of 8 weeks to Tweet, Like & Comment on your blog posts when they go live. When you're done publishing your blog post, ask them to come by and "T"weet it to their friends and "L"ike it on Facebook and then "C"omment in the comment sections. This will affect your Alexa ranking going down FAST as well!

We've had some members of our coaching program working together doing the above 3 steps and they've seen their Alexa rank go from 3 MILLION to 450,000 in less than 30 days by these simple activities.

Here's why you want your Alexa rank as low as possible:

1. Most advertisers and JV partners will only do business with people whose rank is below 500,000. This shows there is activity at the site, a regular list and a serious blogger.

2. The lower your rank, the better you'll be positioned in Google. The more T, L, C's you get the better! Now you see why I really emphasize this.

3. If you you ever do any Google PPC ads, this will also help with your relevancy score. Your keywords need to be relevant with your content.

My friends, it's not as complicated as you might have earlier thought to make money with your blog!

Many of my clients, who are Moms, who had no clue how they were going to make money online are now, in less than 90 days, making more than their husbands are. Is that crazy or what?!

Jeanette Webb is a homeschooling Mom who wrote me to tell me her husband made her deposits from her little info publishing company last week and she made more than he did in Corporate America! Hullo?!

Charlotte Siems is a homeschooling Mom of 12 children and she sells digital products as well in a small info publishing business. She just wrote me this morning to say she made $ 2450.00 in just 72 hours with a list of just 1000 people.

Kim Garst is one of our clients who is a Mom as well and she runs a branding company from home. She said that she's making cold hard cash with the work she's been doing on LinkedIn because of the training she's getting from us.

.....and we're seeing Best Selling Authors like PJ McClure rise in promotion on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles because of their blog activity!

I'm so grateful you've chosen to spend this time with me. We've got 12 more days together and they are going to be great!

You're doing a great job today! Have an amazing day!

With love,


"Ask how you'd live your life differently if you knew you were going to die soon, then ask yourself who those people you admire are and why you admire them, and then ask yourself what was the most fun time in your life. The answers to these questions, when seen, heard, and felt, provide us with an open doorway into our mission, our destiny, our purpose."

- Thom Hartmann, from his book 'The Prophet's Way". Hartmann is a best-selling author and founder of the Hunter School, a school for children with ADHD.

"The choice to follow love through to its completion is the choice to seek completion within ourselves. The point at which we shut down on others is the point at which we shut down on life. We heal as we heal others, and we heal others by extending our perceptions past their weaknesses. Until we have seen someone's darkness, we don't really know who that person is. Until we have forgiven someone's darkness, we don't really know what love is. Forgiving others is the only way to forgive ourselves, and forgiveness is our greatest need."

- Marianne Williamson, is a best-selling author and speaker.

How to change life

There are 7 things that you can do to change the way your mind and body react to setbacks.

1. Understand which obstacles are truly inevitable or insurmountable. Keep in mind that few are. Blindness is one. The death of a partner or loved one is another. The weather is a third. Know the difference between unexpected changes that you absolutely can't control and those things you can overcome.

2. Don't be emotionally defeated by inevitable change. Reframe the experience. Ask yourself, "Where is the silver lining?" Don't stop asking until you find one. There is always a silver lining. There are usually dozens of them.

3. Consult with other people who have experienced the same problem. Don't complain. Don't seek comfort. Seek practical knowledge. Ask their advice.

4. Read something inspirational to make you feel better.

5. Recognize that the biggest threat to you is not the problem itself but how you react to it.

6. Understand that if you give in to the problem, your body will begin to shut down. It will deny you the energy you need to move on and succeed. Energy is the key. Do everything you can to energize yourself. Rest, but not too long. Meditate, but only to feel better. Walk or run or exercise, but again only hard enough to stimulate energy.

7. Figure out how to have fun

Facing problems

Most people, when confronted with an obstacle, suffer some degree of shock and dismay. Even if they don't consciously acknowledge the problem, their bodies respond in ways that make them less capable of bouncing back.

You may find it interesting to know, for example, that scientists have found that testosterone - the hormone that drives us to work hard and win - actually drops measurably in people who run into unanticipated problems. This clues the body to move into a defensive mode. We feel the impulse to slow down or shut down or run away.

Sophisticated scans have shown similar responses in the brain. Our pleasure centers become less active, as do the parts of the brain that promote the will to act and take risks.

Our bodies are designed to be enthusiastic and energized when things are going well. But when things turn against us, they are programmed to retreat.

These are deeply ingrained instincts. Evolutionists tell us that we developed them in order to survive life-threatening situations such as famine, extreme cold, and attacks by predators.

And though these retrenching responses are necessary for survival when the threats are mortal, they can work against us when the challenges are less serious. That is why we so often feel momentarily defeated by soluble problems - the sort of problems we run into when we attempt to enhance our lives and build our careers.


Growing your list is the biggest activity you will ever do. Doing this in your Wordpress blog demands that you get enough traffic.

Here are some first-steps to take to get more traffic.

1. Comment on like minded blogs and have your website URL attached.
2. Contribute to forums or Facebook groups
3. Save your page to some bookmarking services. Delicious, Stmbleupon
4. Create a profile and find related groups that connect with your niche on
5. Sign up at and use this to build your list
6. Upload photos to put your website on them.
7. Contribute your blog posts to EzineArticles

Just a side note, when you use it will make you a better writer. Take the time to go through some of the steps to writing a great article. This will help you tremendously.

Become familiar with your Alexa ranking. Your goal is to get it as low as possible!

These are just a few tips for increasing traffic! One thing we share with our clients is to join a few friends as a team and T,L,C the sites blog posts. Tweet it, Like it on Facebook and Comment! Just having 3 friends who do this for each other every week for a month or so will really impact where you show up on Google.

Shynes & introvert

Most people think that being "shy" and being "introverted" are the
same thing. They use the two words as if they are identical.

In reality Sean Cooper will tell you there's a huge difference
between shyness and introversion, as he explains below.

Introverted People Have a Preference

Someone who is introverted likes to be alone more than the
"average" person. They may enjoy solitary activities like
playing video games or reading books. They may also dislike
group activities like going out to bars or socializing.
Introverts also usually have fewer and closer friends than
extroverts, who tend to have many more friends.

In short, being an introvert comes down to a personal preference.
You prefer to spend more of your free time by yourself. It comes
down to choosing to do what you personally enjoy.

Introversion is all about YOU.

Shy People Have a Fear

Shyness is totally different from introversion. Shyness isn't a
preference, but a fear.

When you are shy, you are constantly worried and afraid about what
other people think of you. You care a lot about how you are coming
across to others. Your fear of other people's opinions makes you
self-conscious, inhibited and quiet, especially around strangers.

Shyness is basically a nice word for fear. Unlike introverts, who
prefer to "keep to themselves," shy people may "keep to themselves"
simply because they are avoiding anxiety, discomfort and fear.

Shyness is not about you and your preferences, but about OTHER
PEOPLE. Worrying about how other people perceive you and whether
they will disapprove of you.

Which One Do You Have?

So what's the difference between shyness and introversion? Shyness
is a fear of other people's negative opinion and reactions, while
introversion is a preference to spend time alone and has nothing to
do with fear.

How can you figure out whether you're shy or introverted? Pay
attention to how you feel inside when you are around people.
Imagine you have to make a speech in front of a group of people and
think about how you would feel inside.

If you would feel anxious, tense, scared, or nervous, then you have
shyness. You have a fear of the situation. Other symptoms of
shyness include not knowing what to say, being too quiet, or having
physical reactions like sweating, shaking or blushing. Someone who
is shy may spend a lot of time by themselves, not because they
prefer to, but because they want to avoid the fear and other
uncomfortable feelings they get when they are put under the
pressure of other people's eyes.

On the other hand, if you can make presentations to groups
comfortably and talk to other people with ease, but you still spend
a lot of your time by yourself, then you are probably introverted.

If you don't feel fear or anxiety around people, but you still
choose to be by yourself, then it probably means you have a
preference for being solitary.

Shyness Is a Problem, Introversion Often Isn't

There may be nothing wrong with someone who enjoys spending time
alone. Everybody is different and has different personal tastes in
the types of activities they enjoy. Some people just don't enjoy
being a social butterfly and that's fine.

However, shyness, which is basically the fear of other people's
negative judgment, is a problem that should be tackled head-on.
It's a problem because it isn't voluntary: people can't choose
whether or not to be anxious and nervous around others.

The bottom line is: shyness makes your life worse, not better. Shy
people would usually love to have more friends and get a better
social life, but their fear stops them from doing what they want.

Removing this fear is a worthwhile goal that will improve your
quality of life.

If you have shyness or social anxiety and want to find out a way to
overcome it, then check out this great program by Sean Cooper who
contributed the wisdom above:

Friday, July 1, 2011


Today is Day #16 in our 30 day training!

I have a special video for you that addresses the topic of your client list. A list is critical.

Who wants to build a business on the old fashioned one-to-one model? There's not enough time and who has the energy?! Certainly not me!

Building a client list is the key to huge profits online. Let's get to today's video: