Thursday, June 23, 2011

What you can do

First think about what you want to achieve.

Then ask yourself if you really believe that
you can accomplish your goal.

If you don't believe you can there's work to do
and you're going to have to change your belief
system so that it allows you to succeed.

To change your belief system you have to analyze
your thoughts.

List all the thoughts and beliefs that you have about
achieving that goal.
For example: if you want to make more money but you're
not making the kind of money you want then list why
you don't think you can make more money.

Now change those thoughts to correspond with what you want.
These are your new thoughts, statements or affirmations
that you should think and recite through out the day.

Replace those limiting thoughts with these new thoughts.

If you want to achieve success and happiness then you
have to create thoughts and beliefs that will allow
you to achieve those goals.
Begin changing your thoughts.
Begin creating beliefs that work for you.
Eliminate the negative thoughts and beliefs.
Start creating the life you want today.

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