Monday, June 27, 2011

Today is Day #13

Don't worry! I didn't forget about the training I mentioned on Twitter! Let's talk about tweets, shall we?

Twitter is a different platform than Facebook. Talking on Twitter is more like texting. So text wisely!

Some of the things you should be sharing on Twitter are:

Questions that provoke some thought
Tips for your niche
Personal growth tips and quotes
Your newsletters
RT of other people's tweets

Remember that on Twitter people are much more 'politically correct' than they are on Facebook. So cross your t's and dot your i's.

One of the best ways to build a following on Twitter is to follow highly targeted clients. Find those who already have shown they have an interest in what you offer. is a great tool to find people by keyword. You can also use it to add people automatically. It's the tool of choice for automated direct messages back to people who follow you!

Start building your following and connecting with people today on Twitter! Step by step, it will grow and every minute will be worth it.

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