Thursday, June 30, 2011


Today is Day #15 in our 30 day training! Congrats! You've made it half way thru your free month of training!

People ask me all the time what the difference is between a blog and a website. Here is the best summary I can come up with.

Years ago, when I first came online ( 14 yrs to be exact!) you had to know coding and html and if you didn't.... hire someone! Today, you can set up a Wordpress blog, have your company site up and running in under an hr and grow from there.

Sure, you might need someone to create a banner for you or someone to assist with a few tiny things, but that shouldn't cost more than a hundred dollars or so. Nothing really to speak of when it comes to business. Compared to the four thousand dollars it cost me when I first went into eCommerce full time and create a huge store front? This is nothing!

Blogging got it's attention with the people who did journaling and interacted about topics they loved. That my friends hasn't changed. Only thing is, now you can add some products, services and more to your journal. People connect with people- they don't connect with products or services. So as you 'write' or 'journal' about your life, making connection with others, offering content and support, encouragement and inspiration- you can also add your products and services.

Blogging marries social media beautifully because it removes the walls between company and customer. It's all about connection.

So! Use Wordpress for the best SEO value you'll ever get- even better than Squarespace, Blogger, TypePad, Squidoo and all those other blogging platforms. Nothing, if you are serious about business, being on the first page of Google, owning your own content and eventually making money with it works like Wordpress to accomplish that.

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