Saturday, June 11, 2011


Session I
Creating The Dreamer’s Mind
Here's What You'll Discover in "Creating The Dreamer's Mind"...

The fundamentals and basics of the dream setting philosophy broken down in clear, simple terms.

The crucial difference between conscious and subconscious mind... and what this means for you
and your dreams.

Exactly how the unconscious mind operates ... AND the secret reason why it's difficult to shed unwanted habits, even when logic tells you to immediately get rid of it.

What the R.A.S. is - and how to train it to automatically seek out opportunities for you 24/7. HINT: Have you ever bought a car, then suddenly you see everyone else has that exact same car... everywhere you go?
That's the R.A.S. at work!

How to program yourself to consistently move in the direction of your goals and dreams naturally and automatically.

The two components that make up your emotional state - and why it's absolutely vital to understand and use both to your advantage.

How to dream effectively - without that nagging voice in your head telling you "you can't do that" every step of the way. Leave the critical mind, limiting beliefs, and doubts all aside.

Session II
How To Start Dreaming
Here's What You'll Discover in "How To Start Dreaming"...

The one question you must ask yourself and the attitude you want to have before you begin to dream big.

The specific emotional state and mind set you must have in order to connect with the dreams that are most important to you.

The 4 most important areas of your life (Physical, Emotional, Financial, Spiritual) that you must focus on to create a balanced life that naturally supports the manifestation of your dreams.

The real secret to setting your dreams to ensure you stay motivated and focused until they manifest.

Then Things Get Really Interesting.

Later in this session, I gently guide you into a clear, deep, relaxed state of mind unlike anything you have ever experienced. If you think this is just about breathing deeply and slowing down, think again. This is truly beyond relaxation.

As you feel your body melt away, the only thing left with be a clear state of awareness that's completely open and ready to accept the dream you want to achieve. Your mind will explode with new possibilities of what you can do and experience in life and limits become a thing of the past.

Further into this hypnotic session, you'll naturally tap into your deepest dreams ... even the ones you have been afraid to acknowledge. Yes, those dreams - the ones that make you say, "could this be my life purpose?"

Then you'll come out of this state feeling nearly unstoppable.

You'll be asked to start writing down your dreams. And as you start writing, ideas will be pouring out of you.

Your hand will become possessed with all your deepest dreams you've kept suppressed for so long. You will feel as if you don't want to ever stop writing.

Then in next Session you will start defining your greatest dream in much more detail...

Session III
Defining The Dream

Here's What You'll Discover in "Defining The Dream"...

The two truths of your unconscious mind you must understand and correctly apply in order to actually manifest your dreams.

The exact way your goals and dreams must be communicated to your subconscious mind in order to get the most power out of them.

Why making your dreams extremely vivid increases the chances they will manifest into your life.

How doing the things you really want can make you truly happy and satisfied in all areas of your life.

Why you should always make your goals things that YOU want - and the numerous positive effects this can create in all areas of your life.

The crucial importance of having both short-term AND
long-term goals - and why this is so important on a psychological level.

How to choose which goals and dreams are most inspiring and exciting to you by relying on your "gut intuition"

A simple 2-step process to gain absolute clarity on which goals and dreams are MOST important to you so you can begin focusing and achieving them immediately.

Session IV
Manifesting The Dream

Here's What You'll Discover in "Manifesting The Dream"...

Discover your secret weapon to achieve anything you want in life, overcome any obstacle, find any solution, pull yourself out of any depressed state, and skyrocket your confidence and emotional well being to an entirely new level.

The right way to ask questions to help you solve any problem ... no matter how big or small.

What your "servo-mechanism" is and how to set it automatically adjust to ensure you stay on course to achieving your dreams.

1 simple thing you can do in less than 3 minutes to bring yourself out of a negative, depressed state of mind, into a positive, excited mood where things just "click" for you.

How the understanding that your goals are a means to an end can help you consciously influence your emotional state of being and experience the exact emotions you'll feel once you've reached your dream.

2 questions you must honestly ask yourself to gain awareness and insight into what it takes to manifest your deepest dreams

Why being confused, frustrated, and second guessing whether or not your dreams are even possible is actually a GOOD sign that you are on the right track. Hint: It's simply a phase you go through. Think learning how to ride a bike.

The 1 powerful question you MUST ask yourself everyday to have an unstoppable wave of momentum propelling you forward towards your dreams. You'll know the exact actions, thoughts, and feelings needed to make it happen!

How to experience your dreams NOW - not 5 years or 10 years from now.

How you can literally "skip time" by actively using your imagination this way. This allows you to influence the feelings you have and influence your behaviors.

How holding the principle "life is a journey not a destination" true to yourself can give you a renewed sense of freedom and happiness.

How to use "associative conditioning" to influence your unconscious mind to feel wonderful about the dreams you have so you're naturally excited to do whatever it takes to make them a reality.

How often you should focus on your dream to make it a reality.

5 things you must do to automatically stay in alignment with your dream.

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