Saturday, June 11, 2011


The Law of Cause and Effect in Daily
By Laura Silva Quesada
Live Consciously and Take Responsibility for Your
The Law of Cause and Effect basically states that
for every movement of energy such as in a natural
happening, or a human thought that takes the form
of an image, feeling, desire, belief, expectation or
action there is a corresponding effect. For this
reason the Law of Cause and Effect influences
every aspect of your living experience. To
determine why your living experience is of a certain
quality or why something has come into your life,
you simply need to discover what causes preceded
the effects. If and when you like the effects you are
living with then you keep the causes. If not, then
you change the causes so as to create a different
In order to make the most of the Law of Cause and
Effect, you must live consciously and recognize that
you are the creator of your own reality. This
concept is not fully accepted by those who insist on
pointing the finger of blame at everything and
everyone but themselves for their less than
desirable circumstances. "Victims" of circumstance,
while living unconsciously, will do their best to
disprove the Law of Cause and Effect with their
own personal experience by angrily saying such
things as “I work hard every day and look where it’s
gotten me,” not realizing that their anger and
negative attitude has kept them from getting the
long desired promotion. The fact that negative
attitudes never lead to positive outcomes no matter
how hard you work hopefully leads to the following
Those in need of emotional health, healing,
maturation and/or expression may find themselves
achieving it only to realize the necessary work
ahead of them in mending and amending the many
effects that were caused by the thoughts, beliefs
and behaviors of yesterday, last year, or what may
seem to be of another lifetime. The good news is
that it is worth the work. Having a sincere desire to
mend and heal the effects caused by the “Past,”
and doing so, will lead to future positive effects and
a more positive living experience.
The first place to start in becoming more conscious
of the role the Law of Cause and Effect plays in our
lives is in becoming more conscious of your
thoughts. Your thoughts are the one thing that
affects every thing else in your life. Thoughts take
many forms and have an attractive mechanism that
attracts energy to it. The energy then manifests
according to the thought be it in the form of a fear,
fantasy, choice, desire, belief, behavior, outcome,
etc. This is why it is said that if you dwell on
something long enough, and put enough
passionate energy into it, then the effect is that it
can, and will become your next reality.
Many of your thoughts lead to immediate effects.
Being more conscious of the quality of your
thoughts, and their effects, enables you to quickly
alter undesirable outcomes. In many instances, by
simply thinking of a more appropriate thought you
can immediately create a more desirable outcome.
Think before you speak. In other words, pause for
the cause by thinking of the outcome you desire
instead of blurting out words based on unprocessed
fears, anger, or emotions. When you feel compelled
to speak out without thinking it through, PAUSE,
take a deep breath, and simply tell yourself, “Relax
– What’s my outcome,” then picture the outcome
you desire and begin to move in that direction.
There is no rush. You don’t have to speak out
immediately nor do you have to act out
immediately. It is often best to remain quiet in order
to think of the best, most resourceful response,
behavior or plan of action.
The causes that lead to your personal living
experience must be holistic in nature.
Causes that lead to positive effects must
contain elements of a healthy Spirit, Mind,
Body and Emotions.
2 The Silva Method
The Law of Cause and Effect incorporates other
subjective laws such as the Law of Attention that
basically states where your attention goes energy
flows, or what ever you focus on will expand in that
direction, good or bad. The Law of Karma is similar
to the Law of Cause and Effect in that it basically
states that what we send forth to the Universe
comes back to you. In other words what goes
around comes back around, or you reap what you
sow. Think wisely.
What to Do
1. Pause
2. Take a deep breath
3. Say to yourself mentally
“Relax – What’s my
4. Picture the desired
5. Create an Action Plan
6. Begin to move in that

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