Sunday, February 26, 2012


Our saints-sages and ancestors have formulated some rules and rituals,

for the benefit of human beings, which are prevalent even today.

Why is Ganeshji worshipped first?
In Sanatan Dharm, it is mandatory to worship Ganesh at first before starting any auspicious ritual as Ganesh has been considered

as the remover of all obstacles and gives sure success to events. By chanting, meditating, worshipping and praying, all obstacles are eliminated.

He is the symbol of wisdom, kindness, and deciding the right or wrong or duty and non-duties. We always start the puja with the mantra

"Vakratund Mahakaay, Suryakoti samprabhah, Nirvignam kurume dev sarvakaryeshu sarvada". The story in Padmapuran is:

- At the start of the universe

the question was raised as to who should be worshipped first. All Gods went to Lord Brahma. He suggested that whichever God completes

going round the universe will be worshipped first. To accomplish this all Gods rode on their vehicles to take a round. But the vehicle of

Ganesh is a rat and it was impossible for him to compete. So he wrote "RAM" on the earth and took seven round of this and reached

Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma then decided that he will be worshipped first. Since then he is worshipped first for his wisdom.

Why wife should be sitting on left hand side on any ritual?
As per scriptures, it is said that wife is considered to be half of man's body therefore, known as better half. As per 'Taittiriya Brahman' 33.3.5,

man's body is not complete till she comes and fulfills it. 'Atho artho va aev anyatah yat patni'. According to ancient scriptures man was born

from right shoulder and woman from the left shoulder, hence she is known as; VAMANGI' or better half. Till the seven rounds of the fire are

completed she sits on right side and only after that she takes combined oath and becomes the main person of married life, that she sits

on left hand side. Therefore, she is supposed to be on the left hand side of man at the time of putting vermillion, dinner, sleeping,

helping husband and first entering the groom's house. For the same reason, tying the 'moli' or sacred thread or showing

the hand to an astrologer it is always the left hand of woman is used.

Why ladies worship Moon on Karva Chauth Day?
The fasting by ladies on Karva Chauth day is kept for the long and healthy life of their husbands. Moon is worshipped for husbands' prosperity,

savior, and removal of obstacles. As per 'Chandogya Upnishad' one who worships Moon, he avoids all evils and troubles and leads

a long and healthy life. Moon is the symbol of mind, controls the playful mind and of infrared rays. One can control

lot of evils by worshipping Moon; hence ladies worship Moon on 'Karva Chauth Day.

Why Hindus worship cow?
Hindus worship cow as it is the noblest of all creatures. It is a symbol of Earth, the nourisher, the ever-giving, undemanding provider.

The cow represents life and the sustenance of life. The cow is so generous, taking nothing but water, grass and grain. It gives

and gives and gives of its milk, milk products as does the liberated soul give his spiritual knowledge. Veneration of the cow

instills in Hindus the virtues of gentleness, receptivity, tolerant nature, noninjury (Ahimsa) and connectedness with nature.

Why Hindus have so many Gods?
One of the unique understandings in Hinduism is that God is not far away, living in a remote heaven, but is inside each and every soul, in the heart

and consciousness, waiting to be discovered. This knowing that God is always with us gives hope and courage. Knowing the One Great God

in this intimate and experiential way is the goal of Hindu spirituality. Hindus believe in the one all-pervasive God who energizes

the entire universe. It is our eyes with which we want to see Him as creator (Brahma), as destroyer (Mahesh), as all pervader (Vishnu),

as Power or 'Shakti (Devi), as symbol of wisdom, tolerance and justice (Ganesh). But with these symbols Hindus worship One God.

The Goddess Kali
(1770) by Richard B.
It is partially accurate to say the Goddess Kali Ma is a goddess of death. However, She brings the death of the ego

as the delusional self-centered view of reality. Nowhere in the scriptures is She seen killing anything but demons

nor is She associated exclusively with the process of human dying like Yama the Hindu god of death. Kali

and Shiva give liberation by dissolving the illusion of the ego.

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