Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Over eating

Food is an essential element of life and can be one of the most pleasurable. In theory, the feeding system is simple: We’re hungry. We eat. We stop. Several hours later, we might feel hungry again and so repeat the process. If only it stayed as simple as this.

The system breaks down for everyone on occasion: holiday gatherings or a delectable restaurant meal can tempt even the healthiest among us to eat past the point of fullness. But eating too much occasionally can easily become overeating chronically when we miss (or ignore) the cues to stop eating when we’re full, or when we eat when we’re not even hungry. This is the essence of overeating.

The source of the problem of overeating is this: We have an innate drive to eat in response to both internal and external cues.

Of course, it is possible to be hefty and healthy, but if we could just stop eating when we are full, or not eat when we aren’t hungry, it might put a stop to the pounds that creep on year by year to the point where it’s not so healthy anymore. Overeating is the main factor contributing to obesity. When we begin to overeat regularly – perhaps snacking at a certain time of the day as a “pick-me-up” or when a midnight snack becomes a ritual – this can be a problem for our physical health, and even our mental health.

The source of the problem of overeating is this: We have an innate drive to eat in response to both internal and external cues. Not only do our bodies set off the “hungry” signal when energy stores are low, but so does the outside environment. Images of food or, worse, the scent of food (think catching a whiff of a bakery, or French fries) can trigger the desire to eat. All of these triggers can easily lead to overeating – and overweight.

Since the expanding waistline of the country is becoming a real health concern, learning what the common triggers for overeating are and how to manage them is your best defense. Here are some of the top reasons it’s so easy to eat too much, and a few of the most effective methods for resisting the urge.
Emotional Eating

Not all internal drives to eat are about hunger. We may eat for the pleasure of it. We may also use the pleasure of eating to make ourselves feel better.

Using Food To Make Yourself Happy
Many people have used food to cheer themselves up at some point in life, perhaps downing a pint of ice cream to make problems seem a little less bad. But why does this help? There’s something in the act of eating itself that is inherently calming: feeding holds a lot of power as a tool for comfort and nurture, which likely goes back to the mother-infant connection.

But there’s more to it than just the act of eating. The chemicals in foods can also buck us up. Carbohydrates are known to enhance the levels of the brain chemical serotonin, which is the target of many antidepressant medications.(1)(2)(3) If you crave carbs (muffins, breads, and pasta) when your mood is low, your brain may be “asking” for a serotonin boost.

The chemicals in foods can buck us up. Carbohydrates are known to enhance the levels of the brain chemical serotonin, which is the target of many antidepressant medications.

Comfort foods tend to be packed with fats, which may be what makes them so appealing to a person who’s feeling blue. Research shows that fatty acids even by themselves, when infused directly into people’s stomachs (so as to remove the act of eating from the equation), make people feel less sad, and change the way the brain reacts to sad images.(4) This suggests that the specific compounds in foods can have a mood-boosting effect.

Because the act of eating has soothing properties and food itself has certain “medicinal” properties, it can be very easy to use it to use for a mood booster a little too often.


"A bell is no bell 'til you ring it,
A song is no song 'til you sing it,
And love in your heart
Wasn't put there to stay -
Love isn't love
'Til you give it away."

"How did it happen that their lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill? A kiss, and all was said."

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Have you ever wondered what you will do with the hundreds or thousands of friends in your friends’ list? This morning, my creative mind was inspired by this curiosity. You might want to join to explore the thousands of possibilities that our creative mind can do.

First, I was tempted to sort out all my friends based on my perception. You might not be able to imagine which category or what category I will designate for each one of you. Since I haven’t started doing it, your suggestion is very much welcome.
But this morning, I want to let my imagination entertain me and you if you wish. Anyone who will feel offended can delete me. ;)
Let’s begin:
If I have to imagine that all my friends can be books, I will have hundreds of collections of beautiful, colorful, enchanting and entertaining and probably whatever kind of books you need.
(What kind of book will you be?)

If I am an architect, engineer or designer and create a house and choose you as materials, I will have the best ever house in the whole universe which everyone will wish to have. (What material will you be?)

If I am a gardener and plant you in my garden, what a wonder to behold, it is beyond imagination.
(What will you be?)

If I am a composer and a musician and turn you into songs and instruments, I could make the whole world sing and dance and turn their sorrows into joy. (Will you be a song or a musical instrument?)

I can turn you into everything that my imagination can create but it will just be in my mind.
But there is something I can do and given the time to do it, I would wish to write a story about each of you.
Hundreds or thousands of beautiful stories of wonderful people whose life entwined with mine.

One story with thousands of characters in their journey in search of their hearts desire. . .


10 Prophesies
Prophesies and predictions are fascinating things. They make us wonder about the future and to seek out fulfillment in past events. Most of us are familiar with Nostradamus and his predictions – hundreds of books have been written about them, in fact, so rather than rehash a tired old topic (which has actually been debunked in part here)we are presenting a list of prophesies that, hopefully, most of you have never heard of. If you can think of others be sure to share them in the comments.

Alois Irlmaier

Irlmaier was a simple German man who, in the 1950s, made predictions of a third world war. This is a small sampling of what he claimed the third world war would look like: "Everything calls peace. Shalom! Then it will occur — a new Middle East war suddenly flares up, big naval forces are facing hostility in the Mediterranean — the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkans: I see a 'large one' falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him –then impact is on impact. Two men kill a third high-ranked. They were paid by other people. One of the murderers is a small black man, the other a little bit taller, with bright-colored hair. I think it will be at the Balkans, but I cannot say it exactly. [...] Immediately the revenge comes from across the large water. However the yellow dragon invades in Alaska and Canada at the same time. But he comes not far. And then it rains a yellow dust in a line. When the golden city is destroyed, it begins…" Most interesting in these predictions is the fact that he believes the war will begin in the Middle East which seems certain to many people in the 21st century. You can read his full prediction here.

Hildegard von Bingen

I am a great fan of St Hildegard – a polymath nun from the 12th century and, while she is very well known for her incredible contributions to classical music and literature, she is not so well known for her prophesies (of which there were many). In one prediction it appears she is referring to the destruction of the United States: ""Before the Comet comes, many nations, the good excepted, will be scoured with want and famine. The great nation in the ocean that is inhabited by people of different tribes and descent by an earthquake, storm and tidal waves will be devastated. It will be divided, and in great part submerged. That nation will also have many misfortunes at sea, and lose its colonies in the east through a Tiger and a Lion. The Comet by its tremendous pressure, will force much out of the ocean and flood many countries, causing much want and many plagues. [After the] great Comet, the great nation will be devastated by earthquakes, storms, and great waves of water, causing much want and plagues. The ocean will also flood many other countries, so that all coastal cities will live in fear, with many destroyed. All sea coast cities will be fearful and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves, and most living creatures will be killed and even those who escape will die from a horrible disease." She also predicted that peace would return to Earth when the French throne is restored (very interesting when you consider that it had not been destroyed at that time). You can read more about St Hildegard and her prophesieshere.

Baba Vanga

Baba Vanga was a blind Bulgarian woman (born 1911, died 1996) who was a herbalist and alleged mystic who made many predictions for the future. She became incredibly popular due to her so-called mystical powers. When she died huge crowds attended her funeral. Among her many predictions she claimed that by 4599 man would achieve immortality and that less than 100 years later we would begin assimilating with the aliens we meet on the hundreds of planets we will have populated. She claimed that in 4509 man will become sufficiently developed that he will begin to communicate with God directly. In 2221, while searching for extraterrestrial life man will come into contact with something truly terrible (though she didn't state what). Closer to our own time she predicted a change in the Earth's orbit in 2023. Curiously she predicted the beginning of World War III in 2010, which does not obviously appear to have happened – though her followers say the machinations may be in place for this to happen.

On June 26, 2000, the well known third secret of Fatima was revealed by Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI), accompanied by a theological commentary. The secret referred to a Pope being killed and a city in ruins (full text here). What most people don't know is that during the many years in which the secret was hidden from all but a few eyes, portions of it (and hints at what it contained) were leaked, by people who had either read the secret or spoken to Sister Lucia (the seer who penned it – pictured above). The leaked information did not correspond with the secret released by the Vatican. Consequently a large number of people believe that the Vatican document is a fake, released to avoid the scandal that would occur if the real secret got out. Purportedly the real secret refers to an apostasy in the Church starting with the Pope (in other words, the Pope/Popes would stop teaching the Catholic faith and fall into error). It also describes a council which will pervert the Church (believed by many to be Vatican II which reversed many traditional Catholic principles and beliefs). This was known for at least forty years prior to the release of the Vatican version of the Secret. What is most interesting is that Sister Lucia said the secret had to be released by 1960, or after her death (whichever came first). Why she chose that specific year is unknown but, curiously, the Vatican II council was started in 1962, with both Popes of the council (John XXIII and Paul VI) saying that they would not release the third secret. Another related prophesy is also very interesting; Pope Pius XII (the Pope prior to John XXIII and the II Vatican Council) said: "We believe that the present hour is a dread phase of the events foretold by Christ. It seems that darkness is about to fall on the world. Humanity is in the grip of a supreme crisis."

Ursula Southeil Prophesies

Ursula Southeil (Mother Shipton, 1488–1561) is most likely to be the best known prophet on this list. There is much modern debate about the veracity of her predictions, but whether or not she wrote the most famous one attributed to her, she was known as a prophetess at the time of Samuel Pepys, as he wrote about the Royal family discussing her predictions. Here are some of her more interesting prophesies:

1. A carriage without horse will go, Disaster fill the world with woe. In London, Primrose Hill shall be In center hold a bishops sea.

2. Around the world men's thoughts will fly, Quick as the twinkling of an eye. And water shall great wonders do, How strange, and yet it shall come true.

3. In water, iron then shall float As easy as a wooden boat. Gold shall be seen in stream and stone, In land that is yet unknown.

4. And England shall admit a Jew, Do you think this strange? But it is true! The Jew that once was led in scorn, Shall of a Christian then be born. [Britain creating the Israeli state?]

5. For in those wondrous far off days, The women shall adopt a craze To dress like men, and trousers wear And to cut off all their locks of hair. They'll ride astride with brazen brow, As witches do on broomsticks now.
5.Tarabich Prophesy

Mitar Tarabich is a little known prophet from Serbia. He lived from 1829 – 1899, and is believed to have predicted many events relating to Serbia in the 1930s, 1940s and World War II:
"After [Tito] our land will be governed by some kind of commission, but it will never be as it was. Even though the people in our kingdom will forget about misery and hunger and will live in great wealth, brother will start to hate and think evil of brother…. The Serbs will separate from each other, and they will say: "I am not a Serb, I am not a Serb." The unholy one will infiltrate this nation and bed with Serbian sisters, mothers and wives. He will sire such children that among the Serbs, since the beginning of the world, these will be the worst of offspring. Only weaklings will be born, and nobody will be strong enough to give a birth to a real hero."
He also made other predictions about the future, relating mostly to technology: "Men will build a box and within will be some kind of gadget with images… ", "Man will travel to other worlds to find lifeless deserts there…", "Those who will read and write different books with numbers will think that they know the most…".

Robert Nixon Prophesies

Robert Nixon was a young man who worked as a plowboy in the county of Cheshire, England, in the late 15th century. Because he rarely spoke, and usually babbled incomprehensibly when he did, Nixon was thought to be mentally retarded. Despite this, he came out with a number of surprising (and apparently accurate) predictions of the future. Here are a few of them:
"The weary eagle shall to an island in the sun retire, where leaves and herbs grow fresh and green. There shall he meet a lady fair" – this is believed to be a prophesy of Napoleon who was sent to St Helena in 1815 – an island with an abundance of rare plants and named for Helen of Troy who was a "lady fair".
Another curious prophesy is believed by some to predict the worldwide use of cigarettes: "All sorts will have chimneys in their mouths".
In addition to the above, Nixon is believed to have predicted voyages to the moon, travel by rockets, RVs, voice recording devices and lightbulbs. When he was summoned to the court of Richard III he refused to make any prophesies except that he would be starved to death. The King ordered him to be kept in the kitchen, but a cook (unwittingly) locked him in a cupboard where he starved to death.

Prophecy of the Popes

The Prophecy of the Popes, attributed to Saint Malachy, is a list of 112 short phrases in Latin. They purport to describe each of the Catholic popes (along with a few anti-popes), beginning with Pope Celestine II (elected in 1143) and concluding with a pope described in the prophecy as "Peter the Roman", whose pontificate will end in the destruction of the city of Rome. What is most interesting about this prophecy is that the current pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI (listed as the "Glory of the Olive" – Benedict is the founder of the Benedictine monks whose symbol is the olive branch) is the last Pope before Peter the Roman. Tying this in with other aspects of Catholic eschatology (the study of the end times) which generally describes a great apostasy in the Church prior to the second coming of Christ, many Catholics believe that we are now in the end times and that the next pope will be the last before the final judgment. Here is the text of the prophecy as it relates to the final Pope:
"In the last persecution of the Holy Roman Church, Peter the Roman will hold the see (lit. "sit"), who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations: and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [Rome] will be destroyed, and the terrible judge will judge his people. The End."
You can read the full list here.

White Horse Prophesy

Mormon readers amongst us may be familiar with this prophesy, but most of us aren't. The White Horse Prophecy is a statement purported to have been made in 1843, by Joseph Smith (founder of the Mormon religion). According to the prophecy, the Mormons would "go to the Rocky Mountains and … be a great and mighty people", identified figuratively with the White Horse described in the Apocalypse of St John. The prophecy further predicts that the United States Constitution will one day "hang like a thread" and will be saved "by the efforts of the White Horse". "A terrible revolution will take place in the land of America, such as has never been seen before; for the land will be left without a Supreme Government, and every specie of wickedness will be practiced rampantly in the land. Father will be against son and son against father; mother against daughter and daughter against mother. The most terrible scenes of bloodshed, murder and rape that have ever been imagined or looked upon will take place." Smith believed that the US Constitution was written by the inspiration of God and that the Mormon religion would save it – and America during this time he prophesied.

Prophecy of St Nilus

St Nilus was a 5th century ascetic monk who was a disciple of St John Chrysostom (a doctor of the Church). He made a prophecy (though some dispute it dates from his time) relating to the 20th century which is striking in its foresight. Here are a few particularly pertinent sections of the prophesy (you can read the entire thinghere) – the last phrase is particularly interesting:

After the year 1900, toward the middle of the 20th century, the people of that time will become unrecognizable. When the time for the Advent of the Antichrist approaches, people's minds will grow cloudy from carnal passions, and dishonor and lawlessness will grow stronger. Then the world will become unrecognizable. [...] People's appearances will change, and it will be impossible to distinguish men from women due to their shamelessness in dress and style of hair. [...] At that time the morals and traditions of Christians and of the Church will change. People will abandon modesty, and dissipation will reign. Falsehood and greed will attain great proportions, and woe to those who pile up treasures. Lust, adultery, homosexuality, secret deeds and murder will rule in society. [...] At that time men will also fly through the air like birds and descend to the bottom of the sea like fish. And when they have achieved all this, these unhappy people will spend their lives in comfort without knowing, poor souls, that it is deceit of the Antichrist…


A good cry can often make us feel better and help us put things in perspective. Now, a new study has revealed that the benefits of crying depend entirely on the what, where and when of a particular ‘crying episode’. The University of South Florida psychologists Jonathan Rottenberg and Lauren M Bylsma, along with their colleague Ad JJM Vingerhoets of Tilburg University analysed the detailed accounts of more than 3000 recent crying experiences (which occurred outside of the laboratory).
The researchers found that the majority of respondents reported improvements in their mood following a bout of crying. However, one third of the survey participants reported no improvement in mood and a tenth felt worse after crying. The survey also revealed that criers who received social support during their crying episode were the most likely to report improvements in mood.
Studies till date have not always produced a clear picture of the benefits of crying, in part because the results often seem to depend on how crying is studied. The researchers note several challenges in accurately studying crying behaviour in a laboratory setting.
Volunteers who cry in a laboratory setting often do not describe their experiences as being cathartic or making them feel better. Rather, crying in a laboratory setting often results in the study participants feeling worse; this may be due to the stressful conditions of the study itself, such as being videotaped or watched by research assistants. This may produce negative emotions (such as embarrassment), which neutralise the positive benefits usually associated with crying.
However, these laboratory studies have provided interesting findings about the physical effects of crying. Criers do show calming effects such as slower breathing, but they also experience a lot of unpleasant stress and arousal, including increased heart rate and sweating.
What is interesting is that bodily calming usually lasts longer than the unpleasant arousal. The calming effects may occur later and overcome the stress reaction, which would account for why people tend to remember mostly the pleasant side of crying.
Research has shown that the effects of crying also depend on who is shedding the tears. For example, individuals with anxiety or mood disorders are least likely to experience the positive effects of crying. Also, the researchers found that people who lack insight into their emotional lives (a condition known as alexithymia) actually feel worse after crying. The authors suggest that for these individuals, their lack of emotional insight may prevent the kind of cognitive change required for a sad experience to be transformed into something positive. ANI


Live your daily life in a way that you never lose yourself. When you are carried away with your worries, fears, cravings, anger, and desire, you run away from yourself and you lose yourself. The practice is always to go back to oneself.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Synergy is all around us. Think of nature’s intricate dance. To make a ripe peach takes the choreography of sunlight, nutrients and time. To create a family takes commitment, love and trust. Life is a pattern of interconnected lives and experiences. “No man is an island entire of itself,” said the poet John Donne. When you work, play, eat and dream, you are connected to the lives of people known and unknown.

Love is always new.

Love is always new.
No matter that we love one, two,
ten times in life we're always
a situation we don't know.
Love can take us to hell or to paradise,
but it always leads somewhere.

We must accept,
it's the food of our existence.
If we deny, starve, seeing
branches of the tree of life filled without
courage to reach out and pick fruit.
It's necessary to find love where you're,
even if it means hours, days,
weeks of disappointment and sadness.

Because at the moment
we left in search of love
love also comes to us.

And save us ..


[indent]"The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost." Gilbert Chesterton

[/indent] Knowing how someone wants to be loved and then providing that love are two separate things. Sometimes marriages and other relationships end because either one person does not understand how to love or meet the needs of the other; or one partner refuses to meet the needs of the other. To love consciously is a choice. Mary Beth and I often say being married is very similar to having another full-time job – you get out of it what you put into it. Our marriage is like a savings account. My wife and I make deposits into it never expecting we may need to make a withdrawal. However, when we do request a withdrawal there are no associated penalties. Yes, we argue over the temperature in the car or who really forgot to feed the dog, but when it really matters; when it really counts, we make the consciousness choice to give each other the love that is requested and needed. With over 23 years of marriage under our belts, we have found the following strategies work best to love intentionally; to love authentically and to love consciously.

Show Appreciation
A simple "thank you" in response to a trivial or ordinary item can make a significant difference. It only takes a few short moments to utter these two words, but the impact can be felt for a very long time. Showing gratitude is also the best strategy for ensuring the things you are most grateful for continue to happen. When we stop and tell our partners what we are grateful for, we are also telling the Universe. By making the effort, the conscious decision, to express our thanks we are in a better position of receiving more of it in the future. If you want your partner to be grateful, it starts by you showing gratitude, first.

Be Happy, Not Right
Here's a question for you, "Would you rather be right, or happy?" Too often our pride and egos can keep us from enjoying intimate relationships. We stew over what we think are injustices, but are perhaps only misunderstandings. We carry grudges and do not show enough grace, passion or forgiveness to the person we care most about. Our need to be right can overshadow our need to receive, and give, love. Take a look at what your pride is costing you. If intimacy is strained and the relationship is off track you may want to reconsider the value of your anger or self righteousness. Here's the thing: You may be right in the argument although you partner thinks otherwise, but you will never be wrong when you put your partner first. Happiness always feels better than vindication.

Origin of Famous Names..

Origin of Famous Names..

There are many companies / brands / products whose names were derived from strange circumstances/things/happenings.


This was actually the financier's daughter's name.


This came from name of the river Adobe Creek that ran behind the house of founder John Warnock.

Apple Computers

It was the favorite fruit of founder Steve Jobs. He was three months late in filing a name for the business, and he threatened to call his company Apple
Computers if the other colleagues didn't suggest a better name by 5 O'clock that evening.


It is not an acronym as popularly believed. It is short for San Francisco .


This name was formed by using COMp, for computer, and PAQ to denote a small integral object.


The name was derived from the founder's name Dr. Michael Cowpland. It stands for COwpland REsearchLaboratory.


The name started as a joke boasting about the amount of information the search-engine would be able to search. It was originally named 'Googol', a word for the number represented by 1 followed by 100 zeros. After founders- Stanford graduate students Sergey Brin and Larry Page presented their project to an angel investor, they received a cheque made out to 'Google' ...thus the name.


Founder Jack Smith got the idea of accessing e-mail via the web from a computer anywhere in the world. When Sabeer Bhatia came up with the business plan for the mail service, he tried all kinds of names ending in 'mail' and finally settled for hotmail as it included the letters "html" - the programming language used to write web pages. It was initially referred to as HoTMaiL with selective uppercasing.

Hewlett Packard
Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard tossed a coin to decide whether the company they founded would be called Hewlett-Packard or Packard-Hewlett.

Bob Noyce and Gordon Moore wanted to name their new company ' Moore Noyce'but that was already trademarked by a hotel chain so they had to settle for an acronym of INTegrated ELectronics.

Lotus (Notes)

Mitch Kapor got the name for his company from 'The Lotus Position' or 'Padmasana'. Kapoor used to be a teacher of Transcendental Meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.


Coined by Bill Gates to represent the company that was devoted to MICROcomputer SOFTware. Originally christened Micro-Soft, the '-' was removed later on.

Founder Paul Galvin came up with this name when his company started manufacturing radios for cars. The popular radio company at the time was called Victrola.


Larry Ellison and Bob Oats were working on a consulting project for the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). The code name for the project was called
Oracle (the CIA saw this as the system to give answers to all questions or something such). The project was designed to help use the newly written SQL code by IBM. The project eventually was terminated but Larry and Bob decided to finish what they started and bring it to the world. They kept the name Oracle and created the RDBMS engine. Later they kept the same name for the company.

It originated from the Latin word 'sonus' meaning sound, and 'sonny' a slang used by Americans to refer to a bright youngster.


Founded by 4 Stanford University buddies, SUN is the acronym for Stanford University Network. Andreas Bechtolsheim built a microcomputer; Vinod Khosla recruited him and Scott McNealy to manufacture computers based on it, and Bill Joy to develop a UNIX-based OS for the computer.


The word was invented by Jonathan Swift and used in his book 'Gulliver's Travels'. It represents a person who is repulsive in appearance and action and is
barely human. Yahoo! Founders Jerry Yang and David Filo selected the name because they considered themselves yahoos.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Benefits of Beer

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Beer

Beer drinkers rejoice: Your favorite brew may be healthier than you think.

For years, wine drinkers have indulged without guilt, reveling in the news that red wine can help protect against heart disease. Recent research shows that beer can also be good for what ails you, from reducing risk for broken bones to helping warding off diabetes and mental decline. It can even increase longevity, a large study suggests.

However, the key to tapping into beer's benefits is moderation, meaning just one 12-ounce beer per day for women and two for men. Heavy drinking ups the threat of liver damage, some cancers, and heart problems. Bingeing on brewskis can also make you fat, since a 12-ounce regular beer has about 150 calories, while light beer has about 100.

Read about common diet myths that are dangerous to your health

Here are 10 surprising and healthy reasons to cheer about your next beer.

1. Stronger Bones

Beer contains high levels of silicon, which is linked to bone health. In a 2009 study at Tufts University and other centers, older men and women who swigged one or two drinks daily had higher bone density, with the greatest benefits found in those who favored beer or wine. However, downing more than two drinks was linked toincreased risk for fractures.

For the best bone-building benefits, reach for pale ale, since a 2010 study of 100 types of beer from around the word identified these brews as richest in silicon, while light lagers and non-alcoholic beers contained the least.

2. A Stronger Heart

A 2011 analysis of 16 earlier studies involving more than 200,000 people, conducted by researchers at Italy's Fondazion di Ricerca e Cura, found a 31 percent reduced risk of heart disease in those who quaffed about a pint of beer daily, while risk surged in those who guzzled higher amounts of alcohol, whether beer, wine, or spirits.

More than 100 studies also show that moderate drinking trims risk of heart attacks and dying from cardiovascular disease by 25 to 40 percent, Harvard reports. A beer or two a day can help raise levels of HDL, the good cholesterol that helps keep arteries from getting clogged.

How alcohol affects your sex life

3. Healthier Kidneys

A study in Finland singled out beer among other alcoholic drinks, finding that each bottle of beer men drank daily lowered their risk of developing kidney stones by 40 percent. One theory is that beer's high water content helped keep kidneys working, since dehydration increases kidney stone risk.

It's also possible that the hops in beer help curb leeching of calcium from bones; that lost calcium also could end up in the kidneys as stones.

4. Boosting Brain Health

A beer a day may help keep Alzheimer's disease and other dementia at bay, researchers say.

A 2005 study tracking the health of 11,000 older women showed that moderate drinkers (those who consumed about one drink a day) lowered their risk of mental decline by as much as 20 percent, compared to non-drinkers. In addition, older women who downed a drink a day scored as about 18 months younger, on average, on tests of mental skills than the non-drinkers.

Learn which foods can help your body heal

5. Reduced Cancer Risk

A Portuguese study found that marinating steak in beer eliminates almost 70 percent of the carcinogens, called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) produced when the meat is pan-fried. Researchers theorize that beer's sugars help block HCAs from forming.

Scientists also have found that beer and wine contain about the same levels of antioxidants, but the antioxidants are different because the flavonoids found in hops and grapes are different.

6. Boosting Vitamin Levels

A Dutch study, performed at the TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute, found that beer-drinking participants had 30 percent higher levels of vitamin B6 levels in their blood than their non-drinking counterparts, and twice as much as wine drinkers. Beer also contains vitamin B12 and folic acid.

7. Guarding Against Stroke

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that moderate amounts of alcohol, including beer, help prevent blood clots that block blood flow to the heart, neck and brain the clots that cause ischemic stroke, the most common type.

Alcohol's Pros and Cons: An Update

8. Reduced Risk for Diabetes

Drink up: A 2011 Harvard study of about 38,000 middle-aged men found that when those who only drank occasionally raised their alcohol intake to one to two beers or other drinks daily, their risk of developing type 2 diabetes dropped by 25 percent. The researchers found no benefit to quaffing more than two drinks. The researchers found that alcohol increases insulin sensitivity, thus helping protect against diabetes.

9. Lower Blood Pressure

Wine is fine for your heart, but beer may be even better: A Harvard study of 70,000 women ages 25 to 40 found that moderate beer drinkers were less likely to develop high blood pressure a major risk factor for heart attack than women who sipped wine or spirits.

10. Longer Life

In a 2005 review of 50 studies, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported that moderate drinkers live longer. The USDA also estimates that moderate drinking prevents about 26,000 deaths a year, due to lower rates of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

These benefits appear to apply in other countries as well, with an earlier study reporting that, if European beer drinkers stopped imbibing, there would be a decrease in life expectancy of two years and much unhappiness.


Too often we don't realize
What we have until it is gone.
Too often we wait too late to say
"I'm sorry - I was wrong."

Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones
We hold dearest to our hearts;
And we allow foolish things
To tear our lives apart.

Far too many times we let
Unimportant things into our minds;
And then it's usually too late
To see what made us blind.

So be sure that you let people know
How much they mean to you.
Take the time to say the words
Before your time is through.

Be sure that you appreciate
Everything you've got;
And be thankful for the little things
In life that mean a lot


Stress sucks. It sucks joy and the life out of you.
So today I'll share 10 of my favourite tips that I use to minimize stress and live a more relaxed but at the same time productive life. I hope you find something helpful here, even if it's just a few reminders of things you had forgotten about.
1. Accept the situation.
Stress is often to a large part resistance to what already is. You may be in a stressful situation and think to yourself that this situation shouldn't be, that you shouldn't be here. But the situation has already arisen, is here, and so are you.
So to decrease the stress and resistance you accept the situation. With your resistance gone or lowered you can now direct your mental energy and focus to finding a solution in a level-headed manner instead of trying to do it while panicked or confused.
2. Take everything less seriously.
Taking things or yourself overly serious adds a lot of unnecessary negativity and stress to your life. A minor situation may be blown up to a major one in your mind. If you just learn to lighten up a bit, life becomes more fun and you realize that you get great results even if you aren't super-serious about everything.
3. Decrease or put a stop to negative relationships.
If someone is always making you more stressed or creates a lot of negativity in your life you may want to consider decreasing the amount of time you spend with that person. Some people almost seem to like to dwell in negativity. That is their choice. It's your choice if you want to participate.
Or you can choose to hang out more with relaxed and non-stressed people. Both in real life and by watching/listening to CDs and DVDs. Two guys that tend to calm me down when I listen/watch them are Eckhart Tolle and Wayne Dyer.
4. Just move slower.
You emotions work backwards too. If you slow down how you walk or how you move your body you can often start to feel less stressed.
This allows you to think more clearly too. A stressed mind tends to run in circles a lot of the time. And slowing down to decrease stress goes for other forms of movement too, like riding your bicycle or driving the car.
5. Exercise.
A simple and time-tested way to decrease inner tension. Regular exercise can do wonders for both your mind and body. This is one of the solutions that work most consistently for me.
6. Find five things you can be grateful for right now.
Being grateful and appreciating your life and surroundings is one of the most effective ways to turn a negative emotional state to a more positive one. So find a few things you are grateful for right now.
Perhaps it's the sunny weather, that you feel healthy and energetic today, that you have just eaten a delicious after-noon snack, that the guy/gal that just walked by had a great looking jacket on and that tonight there is a new episode of your favourite TV-show to enjoy.
7. Look for solutions.
When faced with a challenge that can cause stress, try to direct your focus to solutions rather than to dwelling on the problem for too long. Dwelling only causes more stress and makes your mind less open to finding a solution.
8. Be early.
Just be 10 or 5 minutes early for meetings etc. This very simple tip can cut down on stress quite a bit.
9. Do just one thing at a time.
Single tasking and focusing on doing just one thing at a time not only decreases stress but from my experience gets things done a whole lot quicker than if you multitask.
10. Talk to people around you about it.
Perhaps they can offer you advice that has worked for them or just an ear and some support. Just telling someone about something, just getting it out can often help to relieve some of the stress


Our saints-sages and ancestors have formulated some rules and rituals,

for the benefit of human beings, which are prevalent even today.

Why is Ganeshji worshipped first?
In Sanatan Dharm, it is mandatory to worship Ganesh at first before starting any auspicious ritual as Ganesh has been considered

as the remover of all obstacles and gives sure success to events. By chanting, meditating, worshipping and praying, all obstacles are eliminated.

He is the symbol of wisdom, kindness, and deciding the right or wrong or duty and non-duties. We always start the puja with the mantra

"Vakratund Mahakaay, Suryakoti samprabhah, Nirvignam kurume dev sarvakaryeshu sarvada". The story in Padmapuran is:

- At the start of the universe

the question was raised as to who should be worshipped first. All Gods went to Lord Brahma. He suggested that whichever God completes

going round the universe will be worshipped first. To accomplish this all Gods rode on their vehicles to take a round. But the vehicle of

Ganesh is a rat and it was impossible for him to compete. So he wrote "RAM" on the earth and took seven round of this and reached

Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma then decided that he will be worshipped first. Since then he is worshipped first for his wisdom.

Why wife should be sitting on left hand side on any ritual?
As per scriptures, it is said that wife is considered to be half of man's body therefore, known as better half. As per 'Taittiriya Brahman' 33.3.5,

man's body is not complete till she comes and fulfills it. 'Atho artho va aev anyatah yat patni'. According to ancient scriptures man was born

from right shoulder and woman from the left shoulder, hence she is known as; VAMANGI' or better half. Till the seven rounds of the fire are

completed she sits on right side and only after that she takes combined oath and becomes the main person of married life, that she sits

on left hand side. Therefore, she is supposed to be on the left hand side of man at the time of putting vermillion, dinner, sleeping,

helping husband and first entering the groom's house. For the same reason, tying the 'moli' or sacred thread or showing

the hand to an astrologer it is always the left hand of woman is used.

Why ladies worship Moon on Karva Chauth Day?
The fasting by ladies on Karva Chauth day is kept for the long and healthy life of their husbands. Moon is worshipped for husbands' prosperity,

savior, and removal of obstacles. As per 'Chandogya Upnishad' one who worships Moon, he avoids all evils and troubles and leads

a long and healthy life. Moon is the symbol of mind, controls the playful mind and of infrared rays. One can control

lot of evils by worshipping Moon; hence ladies worship Moon on 'Karva Chauth Day.

Why Hindus worship cow?
Hindus worship cow as it is the noblest of all creatures. It is a symbol of Earth, the nourisher, the ever-giving, undemanding provider.

The cow represents life and the sustenance of life. The cow is so generous, taking nothing but water, grass and grain. It gives

and gives and gives of its milk, milk products as does the liberated soul give his spiritual knowledge. Veneration of the cow

instills in Hindus the virtues of gentleness, receptivity, tolerant nature, noninjury (Ahimsa) and connectedness with nature.

Why Hindus have so many Gods?
One of the unique understandings in Hinduism is that God is not far away, living in a remote heaven, but is inside each and every soul, in the heart

and consciousness, waiting to be discovered. This knowing that God is always with us gives hope and courage. Knowing the One Great God

in this intimate and experiential way is the goal of Hindu spirituality. Hindus believe in the one all-pervasive God who energizes

the entire universe. It is our eyes with which we want to see Him as creator (Brahma), as destroyer (Mahesh), as all pervader (Vishnu),

as Power or 'Shakti (Devi), as symbol of wisdom, tolerance and justice (Ganesh). But with these symbols Hindus worship One God.

The Goddess Kali
(1770) by Richard B.
It is partially accurate to say the Goddess Kali Ma is a goddess of death. However, She brings the death of the ego

as the delusional self-centered view of reality. Nowhere in the scriptures is She seen killing anything but demons

nor is She associated exclusively with the process of human dying like Yama the Hindu god of death. Kali

and Shiva give liberation by dissolving the illusion of the ego.


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Peace of mind is something that we all crave for. We cannot achieve this state without putting effort. After all, peace of mind is not something that can be procured by spending money or by force. The mind needs to be balanced and in equilibrium before it can reach that state. For the mind to be balanced, we have several 'dos' and 'don'ts' to follow. Given below are three 'don'ts' which go a long way to achieve that state. They are described as the three Cs.

Criticizing: The first C is criticizing. It is one of the most natural talents that we all have. J Our minds seem to be tuned to find fault and spot blemishes. Many a times, we see problems where none exist. It is as if our minds have the uncanny knack of identifying a problem. At the same time, our tongues are eager to let others know of our 'superiority' in being able to articulate those problems. When we criticize thus, unnecessarily, we are unknowingly building resistance as well as enemies. These lead to unwarranted arguments and attempts to prove a point. Moreover, our minds which get clouded in negativity refuse to let us reach the state of equilibrium.

Complaining: The other C is similar to the first C and yet more damaging. Complaining is taking criticism to a higher level and almost results in condemning others. As long as it is constructive in nature and comes with intent to resolve and rectify, it is still bearable. What takes the cake is complaining which sounds like whining. It is other extreme of appreciating. It creates a huge negative whirlpool from which we are unable to extricate ourselves. We also carry the feelings of hurt and annoyance in our minds which prevents us from experiencing bliss.

Comparing: Another C which we seem to be unable to avoid is the comparison bug. It is almost like a virus which is in the air. Many of us are comparing all the time - ourselves with those around us. It could be about anything - wealth, friends, physique, job, dogs, appliances etc. It gives us momentary pleasure when we see others in a worse situation than us and also give us sleepless nights when we see others enjoying more than us. Comparison is a never ending maze where people get lost and unable to recover their bearings. It is a method of inventing joy / sorrow out of nothing.

These three Cs are best avoided and conscious efforts taken to prevent ourselves from getting entrapped here. It would be a good idea to ask one of our close spiritual friends to help us in the process. If someone were to remind us each time we use these Cs, it will help us tremendously in making course corrections. Over time, we might become habituated to completely avoid them and progress towards the much coveted state of peace in our minds.

Commit to Raising A Moral Child

1. Commit to Raising A Moral Child

How important is it for you to raise a moral child? It's a crucial question to ask, because research finds that parents who feel strongly about their kids turning out morally usually succeed because they committed themselves to that effort. If you really want to raise a moral child, then make a personal commitment to raise one.

2. Be a Strong Moral Example

Parents are their children's first and most powerful moral teachers, so make sure the moral behaviors your kids are picking up from you are ones that you want them to copy. Try to make your life a living example of good moral behavior for your child to see. Each day ask yourself: "If my child had only my behavior to watch, what example would he/she catch?" The answer is often quite telling.

3. Know Your Beliefs & Share Them

Before you can raise a moral child, you must be clear about what you believe in. Take time to think through your values then share them regularly with your child explaining why you feel the way you do. After all, your child will be hearing endless messages that counter your beliefs, so it's essential that he/she hears about your moral standards. TV shows, movies, newspapers, and literature are filled with moral issues, so use them as opportunities to discuss your beliefs with your child.

4. Use Teachable Moments

The best teaching moments aren't ones that are planned—they happen unexpectedly. Look for moral issues to talk about as they come up. Take advantage of those moments because they help your child develop solid moral beliefs that will help guide his behavior the rest of his life.

5. Use Discipline as a Moral Lesson

Effective discipline ensures that the child not only recognizes why her behavior was wrong but also knows what to do to make it right next time. Using the right kind of questions helps kids expand their ability to take another person's perspective and understand the consequences of their behavior. So help your child reflect: "Was that the right thing to do? What should I do next time?" That way your child learns from his mistakes and grows morally. Remember your ultimate goal is to wean your child from your guidance so he or she acts right on his or her own.

6. Expect Moral Behavior

Studies are very clear: kids who act morally have parents who expect them to do so. It sets a standard for your child's conduct and also lets her know in no uncertain terms what you value. Post your moral standards at home then consistently reinforce them until your child internalizes them so they become his or her rules, too.

7. Reflect on the Behaviors' Effects

Researchers tell us one of the best moral-building practices is to point out the impact of the child's behavior on the other person. Doing so enhances a child's moral growth: ("See, you made her cry") or highlight the victim's feeling ("Now he feels bad"). The trick is to help the child really imagine what it would be like to be in the victim's place so he or she will be more sensitive to how his or her behavior impacts others.

8. Reinforce Moral Behaviors

One of the simplest ways to help kids learn new behaviors is to reinforce them as they happen. So purposely catch your child acting morally and acknowledge his or her good behavior by describing what he or she did right and why you appreciate it.

9. Prioritize Morals Daily

Kids don't learn how to be moral from reading about it in textbooks but from doing good deeds. Encourage your child to lend a hand to make a difference in his world, and always help him or her recognize the positive effect the gesture had on the recipient. The real goal is for kids to become less and less dependent on adult guidance by incorporating moral principles into their daily lives and making them their own. That can happen only if parents emphasize the importance of the virtues over and over and their kids repeatedly practice those moral behaviors.

10. Incorporate the Golden Rule

Teach your child the Golden Rule that has guided many civilizations for centuries, "Treat others as you want to be treated." Remind him or her to ask himself before acting, Would I want someone to treat me like that? It helps him or her think about his behavior and its consequences on others. Make the rule become your family's over-archingmoral principal


Ideally speaking, Criticism is the act of analyzing someone or something (such as an article, video, book, product service etc) with the intention of improving personnel, product or services. However in the day to day life, you will meet so many people criticizing with the negative intentions. For example they do this to defame, discourage and de-motivate others. So it is usually used in negative sense although criticizing does not necessarily means to find fault. In this article I shall give my comments in two categories. First, when you are being criticized and second when you are criticizing:

1- When you are being criticized:

a) Take it positive. There is a chance that your well wisher has rightly drawn your attention to something for which there is a dire need for improvement. If this is the case, be grateful to the person who helped you identified the aspect of improvement and move towards the corrective actions.

b) There is a chance that the criticism is being done just to depress you. Analyze is carefully. If required, seek advice from some friend or colleague about this negative feedback. If feedback meant to be good, see point-1 else shun it right way not allowing you to disturb your peace of mind.

2- When you are criticizing someone/something:

a) Always remember that negative criticism results in generation of negative energies so try to criticize in a positive and encouraging manager. Do not become the ‘full-stop’ for someone’s creativity.

b) Whenever you are about to criticize; ask yourself whether your intention is to help assist the person or you are just going to spread negativity which will consequently result in corrosion on someone’s creative skills.

c) If you really want to criticize someone, do it in an encouraging way. Try to give your comments in multiple groups so that the person understands your feedback and segregate it easily so that he can transform your suggestions in to corrective actions.

d) Remember the fact that the act of complaining is taking criticism to the next level which is even more damaging and dangerous. So try to remain inside the limits of criticism instead of complaints.

Having said that, there are bad mouthed people who are in habit of constant criticism, regardless of their mental comprehension of things. Be aware of them. They are polluting not only themselves but the environment as well and ultimately impacting you, your product, your skills and/or your services. They are spreading negativity.

Closing my article with the famous quote that says “Instead of criticizing others, become the change you wish to see in the world”

Is your marriage worth saving?

Is your marriage worth saving?

One act of betrayal need not be the end of the road… if your marriage is worth it, fight to save it from a position of strength

OUR inbox is flooded with mail after the column on conversations with a friend on the verge of a split (Anatomy of A Break-up, October 18). Mail from women in the same situation as Rashmi, my friend who was torn between forgiving a trespassing husband and walking out on him.
Women from different parts of the country, all with a similar story — of a husband dallying on the wrong side of the marital bed. A sorority brought together in my inbox by the common bond of betrayal, unimaginable pain and lots of questions. All extremely hurt, despondent, frustrated, depressed and very, very angry. All looking for someone to talk to, hear them out sympathetically. Plaintive calls for help.

Attached Image: marriage_worth.jpg

All women have asked me one question. What should they do? They know their husbands are cheating on them, but are torn between the instinct to walk out on the jerks or hang onto the fringes of a tattered marriage for the sake of kids. Most of them haven’t spoken of it to anyone; some have not even yet confronted husbands with the knowledge.
Surprisingly, each one of those who wrote to me has kids. Probably the decision to cut your losses and leave is easier where there are no kids.
I am neither a counsellor, nor a psychiatrist — two professions that would be best suited to help these women. But I would still like to address some issues raised by the letters, for all it is worth. As one of the women put it, “When I go to a counsellor, I feel like I’ve paid this person to listen to me and have a limited time with him/her. And I hate being told what I am doing wrong. I just wish to be told, ‘Hey, it’s ok to feel like you do!’ And only a sympathetic friend can do that.”
Having spent hours talking to two of my friends, one who chose to walk out with child from a cheating husband, and another who decided to forgive hers and stayed on, let me attempt to answer some questions thrown up by these letters. Let’s call my friends Richa and Mahima respectively to protect their identities.
The most important question an aggrieved woman needs to answer seems to be, “Is your marriage worth saving?” Have you had any happy moments from this marriage that you cherish? If the answer is no, advises Richa, don’t even waste time on the man, since the problem here seems to be much deeper than the affair. “And anyway, what are you fighting for? More misery? I could have forgiven my husband one affair if he had been repentant, which he wasn’t really, but I left him for all the earlier misery too. My child and I are much happier and more secure after I took this step.”
Mahima, the friend who chose to forgive, says, “I am together, sane and healed. I kind of went into a shell for a while. I pampered myself, soaked in my own positivity and saw things for what they are. I have truly forgiven my husband, forgotten the past and started afresh. The biggest positive is that I took my decision from a position of strength. I was ready to be without him. But then I was convinced that he was truly sorry and so forgave him because basically he is a good man.”
In both cases, the women agree that once a considered step is taken, never look back or take yourself through the misery of the betrayal again and again. Forgiveness is, in a way, imperative in both cases for your own peace of mind. Even a separated Richa realised she had a lot of bitterness stored up inside her till she reached a point where she didn’t care about her ex-husband enough anymore to harbour any kind of feelings for him — positive or negative. That’s the point at which she let go the anger and found her peace.
Both Richa and Mahima stress the need of a good woman friend in such a situation. Says Mahima, “A close woman friend helps ground you by showing you the mirror. She can listen without being judgemental and you really need that kind of blind faith when you are feeling so totally betrayed! You need someone for all the times you either wish to cry in total self-pity as well as for when you wish to let fly vitriolic abuse against your husband.”
Those who are financially independent are the ones who have a choice; while those dependent on their husbands for financial security are the helpless ones who don’t know what to do. For they have little choice. The first thing for those women to do is find a means of livelihood with help of supportive friends and relatives. Once that is done, then they can take a decision from “a position of strength,” as Mahima puts it.
To those who wrote to me, I would say, it’s very important to make your own happiness because nobody is in charge of your happiness except you. And it’s important to make peace with your past so it doesn’t spoil the present.
The trick is in reaching out. The moment you do that, you would find a thousand hands to help you…


21 Things To Remember

* No one can ruin your day without YOUR permission.

* Most people will be about as happy, as they decide to be

* Others can stop you temporarily, but only you can do it permanently.

* Whatever you are willing to put up with, is exactly what you will have.

* Success stops when you do.

* When your ship comes in.... make sure you are willing to unload it.

* You will never have it all together.

* Life is a journey...not a destination. Enjoy the trip!

* The biggest lie on the planet When I get what I want I will be happy.

* The best way to escape your problem is to solve it.

* I've learned that ultimately , 'takers' lose and 'givers' win.

* Life's precious moments don't have value, unless they are shared.

* If you don't start, it's certain you won't arrive.

* We often fear the thing we want the most.

* He or she who laughs......lasts.

* Yesterday was the deadline for all complaints.

* Look for opportunities..not guarantees.

* Life is what's coming....not what was.

* Success is getting up one more time.

* Now is the most interesting time of all.

* When things go wrong......don't go with them.

Monday, February 20, 2012


When it comes to improving and maintaining our relationships with others, Stephen Covey’s metaphor of the Emotional Bank Account is probably one of the most powerful ideas ever created for the development of interpersonal relationships. If you’ve never heard of this, it basically means that anyone with whom we have a relationship with, whether it be our coworkers, family or friends, we maintain a personal “emotional” bank account with them. This account begins on a neutral balance. And just as with any bank account, we can make deposits and withdrawals. However, instead of dealing with units of monetary value, we deal with emotional units.

The emotional units that Covey speaks of are centered around trust. When we make emotional deposits into someone’s bank account, their fondness, trust, and confidence in us grows. And as a result our relationship develops and grows. If we can keep a positive reserve in our relationships, by making regular deposits, there will be greater tolerance for our mistakes and we’ll enjoy open communication with that person. On the contrary, when we make withdrawals and our balance becomes low or even overdrawn, bitterness, mistrust and discord develops. If we are to salvage the relationship, we must make a conscious effort to make regular deposits.

This post will discuss Covey’s six major ways of making deposits into these Emotional Bank Accounts and how we can avoid making withdrawals.

1. Understanding the Individual

In Covey’s book, seven habits of highly effective people, one of the seven habits is “seek first to understand then to be understood”. Truly understanding what others are feeling is not always that easy. We must remove ourselves from our egocentric viewpoint and put ourselves into the minds and shoes of others. I say minds and shoes because we must try to first understand the thought patterns and second walk in their shoes or empathize with them.

One of my major faults when communicating with others is, while they are talking I tend to think what I am going to say next. Truly understanding someone requires us to wholly and completely concentrate on what the other person is trying to say, not reloading, just waiting to fire off your response

2. Keeping Commitments

Certainly when we break our promises to others, we make major withdrawals from their Emotional Bank Accounts. However, keeping commitments is not just relegated to promises. It also includes things such as arriving to work and appointments on time, fulfilling our duties, and living up to every word that comes out of our mouth.

3. Clarifying Expectations

There is nothing more frustrating in a relationship than not understanding what is expected of you. Although many of us wish we could be, we are not mind readers. And because each of us sees life differently and has different backgrounds and life experiences, expecting someone to just “know” is not only unfair but completely unrealistic. It’s important that the person with whom you are dealing with, knows exactly what is expected of them. Doing this will keep them out of the dark and allow them to relate you confidently, knowing that what they are doing is in line with your expectations.

4. Attending to the Little Things

Little courtesies, kind words and warm smiles are at the heart of the little things that brighten up a relationship. It shows recognition and an awareness of others. It’s interesting, but within our relationships, if you want success, it’s the little things that really become the big things.

5. Showing Personal Integrity

Nothing is probably more damaging to a relationship, then a lack of integrity. Being that the Emotional Bank Account is based upon trust, you could essentially be doing all of the previous things, but without trust, it is to no avail. Integrity means wholeness, completeness, or soundness. In this case soundness of moral character. Integrity is the rock-solid foundation upon which all successful relationships are built.

6. Apologizing Sincerely When We Make a Withdrawal

Granted, we are all mortal. We make mistakes. That’s part of life and learning. Knowing when you are wrong and admitting your mistakes prevents the wounds that you’ve caused in others from festering and allows them to heal. When appropriate, sincere apology will keep your relationships accounts in the positive, allowing you to maintain the balance that has been created in your application of all of the previous steps


Faith the size of a mustard seed
Will move a mighty mountain
That's what His word tells me
To believe is to trust in Him

To know that His word is truth
To know that He will do as He says
To stand on those words
And accept them through his Grace

So why do I doubt
Why do I limit Him
Why do I fear
Is fear really a sin

Faith the size of a mustard seed
Is what I have and more
Yet I whine and cry
When adversity knocks on my door

I know my God is there
To wipe away my tears
I know my God is there
To calm all my fears

I know my God is there
To fix all that's broken
I know my God can do all things
With only one word spoken

He's the creator of all the universe
He's the creator of my soul
He's the reason I'm alive
He can make me whole

He takes me by the hand
He walks me through the dark
I've trusted Him through all the years
To chase away the enemy's sharks

Yet when a new problem arises
When I'm faced with sadness again
I cry and whine and wail
I guess I never learn

Faith the size of a mustard seed
Will move a mighty mountain
Nothing is impossible with God
When you simply trust in Him !!


Nuking NYC

February 9, 2012
Imagine the ability to create a force field micro wave oven with a radiating circumference of 10 miles being placed over the center of New York City, and turned on for seconds. It could be referred to as a form of ‘tasering’. ‘Microwaves’ or tasers are not necessary, unhealthy and potentially, deadly. Does, or will the capability to select targets to microwave or to ‘flash to invisibility’ be soon in use? Man is incredibly motivated by greed with ignorance, or unawareness of the implications of what part he plays in the misery of others quite innocent. Life is one of a great duality with man, barely beyond his primitive past consciously, while technological advancements are speeding ahead as if from a superior alien race orchestrating it.

Humanity in the face of change, perhaps destruction, seems at best, to be like a ‘deer in the headlights’, or moving into denial as they go about how they are programmed. All over the world, people are at different stages or eras of living out past life. Millions are still in the mindset of our prehistoric ancestors. Some of these early humans strangely live in the ‘now’ with quite advanced brains, but upon closer observation are really the advanced brains of those living thousands of years ago. Barbarianism may not be void of certain abilities to cognicise, or seem to be in sync with the times. In basic terms, man from thousands of years ago seems to be here in 21st century bodies.

Life is a spiritual journey to seek, and mollify the crude nature of humanity, seeking and finding higher elements of love, compassion, awareness, and discernments of superior levels of thinking, feeling, and action. Humans do compartmentalize actions as illustrated by the married person who loves their spouse but can enjoy the company of another in a very close way. It gets scary when humans can be compartmentalized to do certain tasks with out realizing the end ‘goal’ which may be evil. The spiritual journey is to awaken one to a consciousness of loving awareness of all actions and non actions.

The technological mind often is not the ‘spiritual/conscious’ mind that makes it a better world of joy and bliss, but uses the emotionally undeveloped mind to attack that which he can not live with. Realization that you are part of the problem takes a mind clear of beliefs and negative imaginations.

We are at a time when many technological developments for ‘military purposes’ of killing are hidden from the public. Are we able to obliterate places like London, Teheran, Paris, or Israel, etc., with little effort even without destroying buildings. What would you do if there were a devise that was known to predict not only the weather months ahead of time (which we have), but with near accuracy a catastrophe within 30 days of happening. What would you do if you had a 30 day warning to leave or perish with 90% proven ‘prediction accuracy’? That would be the beginning of choosing an awakening spiritual journey to use discernment, awareness, and self love with action or suffer the consequences of the old resistant human stuck in time. Those awakening will choose life!


"Intuition is the clear conception of the whole at once."
~Johann Kaspar Lavater~

"You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into
the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover
will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself."
~Alan Alda quotes~

"Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby
God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message."
~Malcolm Muggeridge~

"Intuition becomes increasingly valuable in the new
information society precisely because there is so much data."
~John Naisbitt~

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind
is a faithful servant. We have created a society that
honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
~Albert Einstein~

"The only real valuable thing is intuition."
~Albert Einstein~ Intuition quotes

"A leader or a man of action in a crisis almost always acts
subconsciously and then thinks of the reasons for his action."
~Jawaharlal Nehru~

"It is always with excitement that I wake up in the morning
wondering what my Intuition will toss up to me, like gifts
from the sea. I work with it and rely on it. It's my partner."
~Dr. Jonas Salk~

"Intuition is the supra-logic that cuts out all the routine
processes of thought and leaps straight from the problem
to the answer."
~Robert Graves~

"Creativity comes from trust.
Trust your instincts.
And never hope more than you work."
~Rita Mae Brown~ Instinct quotes

"Intuition comes very close to clairvoyance;
it appears to be the extrasensory perception of reality."
~Alexis Carrel~ Intuition quotes

"Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might
as well be your own, instead of someone else's."
~Billy Wilder~

"Each one of us has all the wisdom and knowledge we ever need
right within us. It is available to us through our intuitive
mind, which is our connection with universal intelligence."
~Shakti Gawain~

"Instinct is untaught ability."

"For the spiritual being, intuition is far more than a hunch.
It is viewed as guidance or as God talking, and this inner
insight is never taken lightly or ignored."
~Wayne Dyer~


Isn't it amazing that George Carlin - comedian of the 70's and 80's - could write something so very eloquent...and so very appropriate.

A Message by George Carlin:

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers,
wider Freeways , but narrower viewpoints.
We spend more, but have less,
we buy more, but enjoy less.
We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time.
We have more degrees but less sense,
more knowledge, but less judgment,
more experts, yet more problems,
more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry,
stay up too late, get up too tired,
read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values.
We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life.
We've added years to life not life to years.
We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor.
We conquered outer space but not inner space.
We've done larger things, but not better things.

We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul.
We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice.
We write more, but learn less.
We plan more, but accomplish less.
We've learned to rush, but not to wait.
We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion,
big men and small character,
steep profits and shallow relationships.
These are the days of two incomes but more divorce,
fancier houses, but broken homes.
These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill.
It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom.
A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete...

spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.

Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.

Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.

Remember, to say, 'I love you' to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.

Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!

Famous Buddhist Quotes & Sayings

Famous Buddhist Quotes & Sayings

Neither fire nor wind, birth nor death can erase our good deeds.
You only lose what you cling to.
Fill your mind with compassion.
We live in illusion and the appearance of things. There is a reality. We are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything. That is all.
The Four Reliances
First, rely on the spirit and meaning of the teachings, not on the words;
Second, rely on the teachings, not on the personality of the teacher;
Third, rely on real wisdom, not superficial interpretation;
And fourth, rely on the essence of your pure Wisdom Mind, not on judgmental perceptions.
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world.
To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.
Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful.
Pay no attention to the faults of others,
things done or left undone by others.
Consider only what by oneself is done or left undone.
What we think, we become.
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned.
Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others.
He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.
An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind
Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world.
Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten.
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world.
On life's journey Faith is nourishment,
Virtuous deeds are a shelter,
Wisdom is the light by day and Right mindfulness is the protection by night.
If a man lives a pure life nothing can destroy him;
If he has conquered greed nothing can limit his freedom.
One of his students asked Buddha, "Are you the messiah?"
"No", answered Buddha.
"Then are you a healer?"
"No", Buddha replied.
"Then are you a teacher?" the student persisted.
"No, I am not a teacher."
"Then what are you?" asked the student, exasperated.
"I am awake", Buddha replied.


Silence is a source of Great Strength.A peaceful mind can think better than a worked up mind.Allow a few minutes of silence to your mind every day, and see, how sharply it helps you to set your life the way you expect it to be...!

Music and silence combine strongly because music is done with silence, and silence is full of music.True silence brings answers to so many unanswered questions in life; Silence is golden.In the silence of the heart God speaks.We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.If you face God in prayer and silence, God will speak to you. Then you will know that you are nothing. It is only when you realize your nothingness, your emptiness, that God can fill you with Himself. Souls of prayer are souls of great silence.

Dealing with Feeling

Dealing with Feeling
Senses of the Soul - I

Happiness depends on feeling good. Your well-being requires peaceful thoughts and flourishing emotions. Yogis know that every thought generates a feeling. That’s a lot of emotions!

After years of yoga practice and working as a Life Coach, I have come to understand that the emotions are vital body-mind-spirit sensory equipment. Just as your five physical senses serve to navigate your body, emotions help you to explore how life is going for you on earth. Your emotions are guides, leading you toward feeling Divine amidst the challenges life brings.

Skillfully navigating the sometimes dark, yet rich world of feelings can bring freedom from early trauma, unresolved issues, confusion, anxiety and frustration. With awareness, you can gain control over what you are feeling and learn what you need to be happy. Think of emotions as the Senses of the Soul, serving your spirit to flourish.

In this series of articles we will help you discover the profound benefits of relating skillfully to your emotions. You can start right now to build your relationship to them by spending quality time through attention and communication.

Sit comfortably and set a timer for 11 minutes. Close your eyes, breathing deeply and slowly. Feel supported by the earth below, and vast and expansive through your mental/spiritual self above. Shift your attention to emotional sensations. Let your feelings flow through your body without resisting or trying to make anything happen. Be in rapport. You will discover that difficult feelings ease up when you allow them to just “be.” Equally allow positive feelings. Play with evoking all kinds of emotional sensations by calling on thoughts and memories.

Don’t be surprised if you feel uncomfortable. Keep breathing as you work with your emotions until peace comes. Ask them what they want you to know. Ask if there is something you can do to feel better. Take note of answers, which may be more of a feeling than a thought. Inhale deeply, and finish your session with uplifting thoughts and feelings.

Mastery comes with small steps and repetition. Practice this exercise daily and watch how your life improves. Know that you have taken the first step on the road to a deeper understanding of your emotions and their relationship to your soul.

Friday, February 10, 2012

How to Clean and Erase Your Internet or Chat History

How to Clean and Erase Your Internet or Chat History

How can you keep your computer activities private and clean out all the temporary stuff that stays behind on your computer after regular use?

There's usually three main reasons people want to do this:

Keep their computer from getting slow and bogged down with too many temporary or cache files
To make sure their computer activity remains their business, not the business of the websites they visit etc...,
Or occasionally they just want to wipe the history of their internet activities, downloads and chats to preserve their personal privacy within the home or office.

As you're likely aware, the websites you visit, files you download, and chat programs you use leave traces of their history all over your Windows computer. In many cases all these left over cache and temporary files weigh your computer down, making the internet speed excruciatingly slow and causing Windows to take forever to boot, browse, and shut down.

The following is a run-down on the most common places traces of your internet activity or chats etc, hide on your hard drive. You can clean or erase these one at a time manually (a really arduous task), or use an automatic solution to get rid of it all.

Erasing Internet Browser History
If you're like most people you likely use Internet Explorer 6 or 7. It stores activity records in the following areas:

Temporary Internet Files folder: "C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Temp\Temporary Internet Files"
History Folder: "C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp\HISTORY"
Cookies: "C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp\Cookies"
Index.dat File: "C\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat"
Autocomplete Form Data: Open Internet Explorer, go to Tools > Internet Options > Auto Complete Button and click "Clear Autocomplete" button
Downloaded Program Files: "C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files"

**Important note: Internet Explorer stores a number of other settings like Typed URL History, cookie management settings, and Downloaded Folder Memory in the Windows Registry.

**Firefox or Opera User? Clean these new browsers.

Instant Messaging and Chat/Voice Programs
All instant messenger clients like MSN, Yahoo, Skype, AIM, and Trillian store a record of complete your chat sessions, and in some cases, voice calls on your computer.

To keep your chat and voice call history private you should regularly clean the history traces from these applications.

MSN Messenger (now called Windows Live Messenger) stores its history traces here:

Chat Logs: C:\Documents and Settings\'UserName'\My Documents\My Received Files\ (conversation transcripts are saved here in the form of individual XML files for each contact you've chatted with)

Program Files: C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\

Received Files: C:\Documents and Settings\'username'\My Documents\My Received Files

AOL Instant Messenger is also popular, here's it's history locations:

Chat Logs: Stored in the Windows Registry: %Aim5DataPath%

Downloaded/Received Files: C:\Documents and Settings\'username'\My Documents\download\%Aim5ScreenName% ALSO: C:\Documents and Settings\'username'\My Documents\filelib

Recent Screen Names: Windows Registry Key: HKCU\Software\America Online\AOL Instant Messenger ™\CurrentVersion\Login

Saved Passwords: Windows Registry Key: HKCU\Software\AmericaOnline\AOL Instant Messenger™\CurrentVersion\Users\UNKNOWN\Login\Password1

**Note: The only program we've found that actually removes the history from ALL of the top instant messenger programs.

Removes all activity traces from the following popular instant messenger programs:

MSN/Windows Live Messenger
Google Talk

P2P (Peer-to-Peer) Downloading Programs
Popular P2P downloading programs store remnants of your file download history in numerous places that are not so easy to find.

The BitTorrent file sharing system is currently the most-used content downloading platform. Here's where a couple of the most popular BitTorrent client applications store their traces:

Bit Torrent Client 4.x

Downloads folder: C:\Documents and Settings\'username'\My Documents\BitTorrent Downloads

Incomplete folder: C:\Documents and Settings\'username'\Application Data\BitTorrent\incomplete

Torrents Tracker Files: C:\Documents and Settings\'username'\Application Data\BitTorrent\data\resume

Logs: C:\Documents and Settings\'username'\Application Data\BitTorrent\bittorrent.log

Azureus 2.x:

Torrent Tracker Files: C:\Documents and Settings\'username'\Application Data\Azureus\torrents

Download History: C:\Documents and Settings\'username'\Application Data\Azureus\dht

Shared file/folder (Seeding): C:\Documents and Settings\'username'\Application Data\Azureus\shares

Download Logs: C:\Documents and Settings\'username'\Application Data\Azureus\logs

Important Note: These are just two of the many BitTorrent download clients available, clean nearly every BitTorrent automatically.

Kazaa is another popular peer-to-peer downloading program. We don't usually recommend Kazaa as its files are often laced with spyware and viruses, but if you do happen to use it and want to remove its history here's where it stores its trace files:

**Important Note: Kazaa stores all of its history traces and settings in Windows registry keys, so you'll need to be very careful if you choose to edit these. Clean Kazaa registry settings and history.

Kazaa 3.x:

Information about user details: HKCU\Software\Kazaa\UserDetails

Recent file list: HKCU\Software\Kazaa\Kazaa\Recent File List

Personal file organizer: HKCU\Software\Kazaa\Kazaa\BrowserSettings

Search information: HKCU\Software\Kazaa\LocalContent

Search agents: HKCU\Software\Kazaa\Search

Filters: HKCU\Software\Kazaa\ResultsFilter

Gym mistakes

The horrors seen on the floor of the weights room never cease to amaze. You'd think that with
information so readily available on the internet, people would try to find out a little more about
what they are supposed to be doing in the gym, instead of just copying the other patrons or
doing what their 'expert' friend told them to do.

Here are just some of the common things we see people getting wrong in the gym.

No Stretching
This one normally applies just to the guys. You would think that there is an inverse relationship
between the muscle size and flexibility, because it always seems to be the big guys with horrible
flexibility, especially around the shoulder joint.

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The long term injury prevention of stretching cannot be ignored though as well as improved posture.

Tight hip flexors can lead to lordosis or excessive curvature of the lower back. By lengthening
your hip flexors, you allow the pelvis to relax out of an excessive anterior or forward leaning
tilt. By correctly aligning your pelvis, the curve in your lower spine will flatten out.

This is just one example, tight muscles all over the body can play havoc on your posture.

No Warm-up
I'm sure we've all done it at some stage. You're pressed for time and that warm-up is going
to mean cutting down on your lifting time. You load up the bar and hit the ground running.
Halfway through the set something feels uncomfortable; a couple of minutes later you can
no longer move your neck. Workout over – for the next 2 weeks!

Whatever you choose to do for a warm-up, at least do something. 10 minutes on the bike is
not really going to prepare you for lifting but I guess it's better than nothing. Stretching isn't
the best bet either, but it's a start. If you really want a good warm-up you should be doing
mobility training before you hit the iron. Read more about what you should be doing in The
Low Down on Static Stretching.

Working out in the same rep range.
This one is so pervasive in gyms that you'd be forgiven for thinking that 3 sets of 8 was some kind
of weightlifting Nirvana. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with 3 sets of 8, but it seems
like people are stuck doing this for all their workouts.

You need to change things up a bit. Your body gets used to the same stimulus very quickly. If
you're stuck in a bit of an exercise rut, changing your set & rep scheme is probably the best
was to kick-start your progress.

Some of my favourites are:

8 x 3
10 x 3
5 x 5
4 x 12
6 x 4
4 x 6

Working with lower reps using a bigger load will recruit different muscle fibres. You will be recruiting
the high threshold motor units, which have the largest capacity for growth and also create the
densest muscles with the most myogenic tone. Read Why High Reps Aren't for Toning post for
more info on this.

No post workout nutrition
This is such an important time for your body to be getting the nutrients it needs to recover
and grow that it amazes me how so many people overlook the post workout nutrition.

Within 1 hour of working out, preferably sooner you body is craving quick acting proteins and
carbohydrates. Whey is the protein of choice here as it is the fastest to be absorbed. You
also want to get a lot of high glycemic carbohydrates. Post workout is the only time you
want to get high GI carbs, because your muscles are glycogen depleted and really need
a quick boost to get the recovery process started.

For an intense strength training workout it is recommended that you consume 0.4g of protein and
0.8g of carbohydrates per kilogram of bodyweight. So for an 80kg person, that would be 32 grams
of whey protein and 64 grams of a high GI carbohydrate such as glucose, dextrose or maltodextrin.

You can either mix this up yourself or buy a pre made recovery drink. I like to mix is up myself,
purely because maltodextrin is dirt cheap and you pay a huge premium for the privilege of
having the supplement companies mix it in for you.

Following the post workout shake, your first whole food meal should be eaten within 3 hours of your
workout. You'll want about the same amounts of protein and carbs, but his time you can choose a
slower digesting meat, dairy or egg based protein and lower GI complex carbs such as rice, pasta
or potatoes.

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Great post workout meal

Always performing the same exercises
We are creatures of habit, so this one is not surprising. In the gym, once people figure out the basics
of what they should be doing they get a simple program and stick to it. A lot of people have probably
been doing the same program for years.

It's been said that the best program is the one that you're not doing. Again, this goes back to the
previous point. Your body adapts quickly to whatever you throw at it, so you need to change not
only the exercises you perform, but also your entire program.

These can often be small changes. Always perform flat barbell bench press? Why not try dumbbells,
or incline/decline pressing. Always do back squats? Try front squats for a humbling experience or if
you really want to expose your weaknesses, try overhead squats. If you can do overhead squats
without falling over then congratulations! Try to change your program every 3 - 6 weeks or until
you feel like you have adapted.

The aimless workout
Like anything in life, you need to set goals. If you have no goal to your gym workouts, then you are
not going to achieve much. For this you are going to need a well designed program to follow with
some tangible goal at the end. Do you want to run your first marathon or have you set a goal of
being 10% stronger in 4 weeks?

Having a goal will give you the motivation to push that little big harder at the next workout. You
should also be keeping records of your workouts – how else will you know how hard to push your-
self the next time?

Too many isolation movements, not enough compound movements
It seems like most guys are obsessed with getting huge guns. If that is what floats your boat then
who am I to criticise, but dedicating so much time and energy to a couple of muscle groups seems
strange to me.

What a lot of people fail to recognise is that compound movements can be really great arm builders
too. Any compound back exercise is going to place a lot of stress on the biceps too. Any type of
rowing, lat pull downs and especially chin-ups can do wonders for your biceps, not to mention adding
some width to the back, which is probably lagging due to all the effort spent on isolation. Compound
movements allow for a lot more load bearing and therefore have great growth potential.

What about the triceps? If your shoulders are healthy, dips are probably the best
triceps builder
around. Add in some close grip bench pressing and maybe one isolation movement (I know you're going
to do them anyway!) and you have a solid triceps routine.

This doesn't only apply to arms though. In general gym goers do too much isolation. Take one of
the ultimate compound lifts, like an Olympic power snatch. To work the same muscles in isolation
would require at least performing: standing calf raise, leg extension, leg curls, shrugs, back ex-
tension, abdominal exercise just to name a few. You still wouldn't get the intra-muscular co-
ordination and metabolic kick up the butt either.

Compound movements allow you more bang for your buck and allow you to condense a workout
into only a few exercises. Compound movements also stimulate more growth hormone release.

Too much pressing and not enough pulling
Ever noticed how a lot of big guys in the gym have rounded shoulders? Along with arms, bench
pressing has to be the most overused exercise.

If you consider that a bench press is a horizontal pressing movement (relative to the correct anatomical
position) it would follow that any kind of rowing would be a horizontal pulling movement. In order to develop
the agonist and antagonist muscle pairs around the pecs, shoulders and back an even amount of pressing
and pulling is required.

Because of this obsession with the bench press, the pectoral muscles, anterior deltoids and certain
rotator cuff muscles overpower the back muscles of the rhomboids (responsible for pulling back and
pinching your shoulder blades together) and posterior deltoids. Tightness in the pectoral muscles,
due to lack of stretching, compounds the problem further by pulling the shoulders forward. This is
a gross simplification and I don't want to turn this into an anatomy lesson, but the take home
message is that you should be doing an equal amount of pulling and pushing.

If you already resemble Quasimodo, I'd recommend seeing a specialist first. At the very least you
should also cut back on your pressing and increase you pulling until your strength imbalance resolve.
Stretching your pecs will also help. You should also check your desk ergonomics – chances are you're
reading this slouched over your desk. Your mother was right when she told you to sit up straight.
There is only so much corrective exercise can do for you. If the other 23 hours in your day are
spent slouching, chances are you will remain that way.

Horrible form
Again, it's the guys who are most at fault here I'm afraid. Horrible form is usually the result of trying
to lift too much weight. A bicep curl should be slow and controlled. It's not a back exercise, but all
too often you'll see somebody with too much weight using their back to heave the weight up. Also
seen is a lot of guys bouncing the weight off their chest in the bench press or racking the squat bar
with too much weight and then performing 6 inch squats. Who are you fooling? If this is you then my
advice is to leave your ego at the door. That gym hottie across the room who you're trying to impress
doesn't care how much weight you're lifting, really.

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She doesn't care, really.

Regarding form, a muscle should be worked through its full range of motion – from full extension to
complete flexion. I've seen the heaving-style bicep curls done where the elbows barely moved at all!

Ego aside, there are still people with good intentions who just get it wrong. If you're not sure, check
out somewhere like to get your form correct.

Wrap up
these are pretty simple things that are easy to fix and will go a long way
to keeping you healthy and making sure you progress.