Monday, May 16, 2011

How to See the Future With Meditation

One of the great advantages of regular meditation is that it enhances your sense of intuition. The more you practice meditation, the more you gain insight into every aspect of your life. Insights can relate to present or past events, leading to a greater understanding of your life's path, or they can relate to future events.

Insights into future events can be challenging in four ways:

1. The future is not fixed. Until you experience it, the future remains as an array of possibilities with a "most likely" scenario based on what holds the greatest energy.

2. Viewing the future can change the outcome. Even a 100% accurate view of the most likely scenario will trigger questions about whether you want that scenario to manifest, and that change can influence the outcome. This can give the illusion of inaccuracy in the original prediction.

3. Inner impressions come into your awareness through your imagination. However, a fertile imagination can create images on its own, almost for pure entertainment. True impressions of a future event arrive while you are in a meditative state, or sometimes while performing a monotonous task such as driving at a constant speed. They don't fire up with the great energy of a dramatic imagination. They slip in quietly and have to be examined and unraveled to see what each impression contains.

4. When you first start scanning the future, your predictions will be less accurate than they will become later, after constant practice.

Sometimes, lack of self-esteem can be a barrier to the development of your innate abilities. In that case you need to be aware that everyone is everything that Infinite Being is. The universe is holographic by design, meaning that while the many make up the One, the One is also mirrored within each of the many. So, each person, each spark of Infinite Being, contains all of the qualities of Infinite Being.

Lack of self-esteem, therefore, is only a personality trait and not reflective of your true self.

You have a perfect sense of intuition or insight, just waiting to be developed. One of the hallmarks of the global Shift to higher consciousness is that, with each passing year, more and more people will develop more of their inner abilities.

While you are practicing your intuitive skills, it is a good idea to make written notes for later reference. Insights arrive in your consciousness while you are in an altered, meditative state, so their memory dissipates quickly just like the memory of your dreams. If you keep notes, then re-read them weeks or months later, you will be amazed at how accurate many of these insights were.

Sometimes, you will also see how insights into less than desirable scenarios caused you to make a decision to steer your life in a different direction. When faced with decisions about which direction to turn, the best barometer is always your highest joy. Ask yourself:

"What scenario would represent my highest joy?"

When you follow your highest joy, you are following the path through life which is most closely aligned with your true essence - your soul or inner self.

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