Tuesday, November 29, 2011



Great Mahans speak a lot about surrendering oneself to a perfect Guru; to someone who can accept the surrender and not run away, but stand and protect him. How important is the choice of the right Guru, especially in this Kali Yuga? How does one identify the right Guru?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

Let us assume that someone wishes to do a particular task very badly and needs help. His dearest friend who is alongside is not in a position to help him do that task because of various reasons. What would the ideal friend do? Would he not put his friend in touch with someone capable and ready to help him out?

In the same way, if you are really in dire need of a Guru and sincerely long for one, the most lovable Lord Krishna will put you in touch with a Uttama Guru who can quench your thirst. You do not need to identify a guru yourself. If the longing is real, deep inside your heart, the Guru will identify you by himself. This is true for any Yuga.
2. "How is it that even the highly educated and those holding high offices embrace wrong people as the Guru?"

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

"The people that you speak of may be great in worldly learning and holding high offices in worldly affairs. But, they do not possess even the basic knowledge of spirituality, the attributes of a real Jnani and what is to be attained. The reason for this is that these people who are great in worldly knowledge are a mere zero in spiritual knowledge!"
3. "What is God? Is it easy to know God? Have you known God?"

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

"God is a 'feeling'. From the tiny grass to Lord Brahma, everyone, through various ways, is incessantly searching for happiness. But, that happiness is not to be found in external things. Even if it appears to be found in externals things, it is not permanent. Therefore, when we search for happiness we find that it is found to be within ourselves! To experience this joy within us is to 'feel' God. To be in this joy is only knowing God. This joy is verily God.

For the query, 'Is it easy to know God', I would like to say that through Guru one can succeed in deeply experiencing this joy or Godliness.

I have to speak on another matter also here. What is happiness? Though all reject neem leaf, as it tastes bitter, the camel relishes it! Just as happiness in relation to food differs as per the taste of each creature, happiness in the world differs from creature to creature. The search for God begins when you question yourself, 'What is happiness?'"
4. "How does Guru help in knowing God?"

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

"I have already said that God is a 'feeling'. When a Guru (Teacher) is required even to know the 'stula' (physical), i.e. to learn to make anything, for example, to make a wooden doll one has to learn from someone who knows how to make it, then, what to speak of subtle things? Certainly, one needs a Guru to know God.

This subtle feeling is contagious. When we visit a house of death the mind, affected by the atmosphere there, experiences sorrow for many days. When we visit some marriage function we meet with our friends and relatives. The happiness experienced in this atmosphere remains with us for some days. Similarly, if the subtle feeling of God has to be experienced it is enough if we speak with one who is in this experience. It is even enough if such a person just looks at us. Such a person from whom this 'feeling of God' overflows is called the Guru.

Such Gurus are few in number. One has to recognize such a Jnani amidst quacks. Joy of a Jnani is eternal. The sorrow of a death house or the joy of a house of marriage is not a permanent one. While such temporary sorrow and joy affect us deeply then what to speak of the physical closeness, look and touch of a Jnani whose joy is an eternal one? One should understand that it would at once go deep within us.

All the other trees that stand around a sandalwood tree catch on its smell. Likewise, those who are around the Jnani who knows God will also come to know God and Love is born in him."
5. "Please explain how should one behave towards a Guru?"

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

"A person does not become a Guru for the mere reason that he is able to read your past, predict your future, perform miracles or appear differently. One who knows not God cannot show God to another. When he is filled with doubts, he cannot certainly clear others' doubts.

There is nothing to be known by an 'Uttama Guru' (True Guru) either in this or in the spiritual world. Only such a Guru can raise others to his status. Many may feel that there is no need for a Guru. But, they do not feel that for education no teacher, school, college or a University is necessary. On the other hand we feel the drastic need for all these.

When a girl comes of age, a suitable groom is searched out for her. None calls it wrong. A woman needs the company of a husband and a man the company of a wife. In the same way, the need of the company of a Guru is a must for one who desires to know God.

Many are of the opinion that the company of a Guru is for those who do not possess self-confidence. None opines that consulting an architect to build a house or a financial consultant for investment is wrong. On the other hand it is the right way. How can it be called wrong if we seek the company of one who has a better know-how and is able to provide proper advice on a matter required by us? How then can the question 'Why should I be totally obedient to the 'Uttama' Guru that I have sought', rise up? Children should be obedient to the parents, a wife to the husband, citizens to the ruler and labourers to the Management.These are all disciplines to be followed for maintaining order in the society.

The Shastras say that one should look upon the husband as verily the form of God, whatever is his status. (But, this does not mean that a husband should label himself as God!) Likewise, one who has sought a Guru should look upon him as verily God Himself. Before accepting one as a Guru, we should think a lot on this matter. But, once we have decided on accepting him as our Guru, we should not change even a little but remain with deep confidence in the decision taken. Our interaction with him should not be like our interaction with humans. We should never feel angry with him, quarrel with him, ignore or criticize him.

We should feel happy by repeatedly thinking of his compassion. We should be
able to read his wish and be ready to execute it even before he instructs us. We should look at every matter connected with the Guru with deep reverence.

We should follow the path ('marga') that the Guru follows. We should, as far as possible, try to follow the Guru's 'upadesas' (advices). If we are unable to follow it, we should atleast feel deeply sorry for it. We should explain our position to the Guru without hiding anything. Only then can he help us."
6. Is there any necessity to take Namajapa through a Guru?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

We need curd to make the milk into curd. Likewise, it is a must to be initiated by a realised person to get ourselves realised. The initiation is commonly known as

1. Upadesha (Verbal Instructions)
2. Sparsha dheeksha ( By touch)
3. Nayana dheeksha ( by mere glance)
4. Maanaseeka dheeksha ( by remembrance)

It can be in other forms also.
7. Swamiji, Do you think that there is anything greater than God ?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

Yes,.. I believe that Faith is even greater than God.
Suppose God appears before us, but we are doubtful if it is God or not , what is the use?

But if you have faith,even a stone image can talk to you. So I believe that faith is the greatest of all. This faith should be firm and unshakable.
I think I get what you are saying. Could you please illustrate this further, Swamiji...

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

Let me tell you a small anecdote in Shirdi Sai Baba's life. Once a lady devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba was very adamant that she should receive some sort of Upadesam from him. But Baba refused to oblige. That lady went on a severe fasting. On seeing this, a few people informed Baba about this.

Baba called her and softly asked her , "Do you think my Guru gave me any initiation or upadesam ?"

She replied ,"He must have Baba... , or how could you have become so exalted."

Baba smiled and said , "My Guru asked me to give two coins as Guru Dakshina (offerings to Guru). I didn't know where to get the coins from.

Sensing my plight he said , 'My dear son, I asked you two coins of Nista and Saburi , i.e. Shraddha and unshakable faith in me , patience and perseverance . I had unshakable faith in him. So should you. So.... now do you see that faith and patience are the greatest things.
Finally pl watch this video... A must to watch by all earnest spiritual aspirants as well as common man.

Guru & Nama Kirtan: Imperatives to attain the Infinite


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