Tuesday, April 12, 2011


A Krishna conscious person is completely satisfied. He does not depend on anything external for his happiness. He is satisfied simply by the opportunity to serve Krishna. And Krishna can be served in any time and in any circumstance through any one of nine different processes such as: hearing, chanting, remembering, offering prayers, etc. All we really need to practice Krishna consciousness is the strong desire to do so. Krishna will then give us everything else we need in order to fully devote our lives to Him.

Sometimes it seems that the material world is throwing so obstacles on our path that it is impossible for us to fully absorb ourselves in Krishna consciousness. But the reality is that there is no material impediment which can obstruct us on our path of devotional service. All we require is the fixed determination that I must surrender to Krishna no matter what may happen or what anyone may say.

A devotee of Krishna does not have to be in anxiety about earning his livelihood. He simply labors honestly and depends on Krishna to take care of him. He knows that his livelihood is not being provided by his job or his business. He knows that his livelihood is being provided by Krishna. After all, what do we eat? Do we eat money? We eat food, which is provided by God. The same with air, water, and all the other necessities of life. They are all there by the kind arrangement of the Lord. Simply we must acknowledge His kindness and show our appreciation by engaging ourselves 100% in his service. Then we will have no difficulties.

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