Saturday, February 12, 2011


"The Research That Shocked Scientists And Healers Alike: Breakthrough Healing System Balances Your 3 Key Energy Centers, Allowing You To Experience The Radiant Health And Wellness You Truly Deserve!"

Easily And Joyously Eliminate Stress, Melt Away Pain, And Dissolve All Negative Blocks That Prevent You From Enjoying A State Of Lasting Emotional, Physical, And Spiritual Health And Well-Being!

Dear Friend,

• Do you ever struggle to calm your mind?

• Do you ever experience stress, anxiety, depression, anger ... or ANY negative emotion?

• Have you tried techniques to relax or release, but not got all the results you hoped for?

Then here is the full report revealing how peace of mind and radiant emotional well-being can be experienced naturally and easily in just 20 minutes a day....

Let me ask you a few questions...

1. How many times have you experienced a negative emotion in the last 24 hours?

2. Have you ever tried to quiet your mind using something artificial, like a glass of wine or even some form of medication?

3. Have you ever tried to quiet your mind using natural methods like exercise?

4. How well did it work?

No doubt you discovered that these methods can produce temporary relief. But more often than not, the symptoms of stress and negative emotion came back again, didn’t they?

The Question Is Why?

Recent research has produced some startling discoveries on this.

And more important, when you know what’s really causing negative emotions like stress, anxiety and frustration, you will be one step closer to letting them go forever and feeling great throughout your day.

The key discovery I’m about to share with you may upset or even offend some people. However, I'm sharing it with you now because I believe this can make a massive difference in your life.

First of all, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kevin Schoeninger. I am a:

** Certified holistic fitness trainer

** Meditation instructor

** And Reiki practitioner

I’ve been teaching real meditation on a one-to-one and group basis for over 30 years... and guess what? ...

I've seen a lot of personal growth tools come and go in that time, but what I want to tell you about today is very different. I'll be sure to tell you why, so it makes sense to you.

So here is the key discovery....

The mind is NOT the main cause of these negative emotions. Research shows that the mind is only a small piece of the puzzle. Let me explain. Stop for a moment... and picture an iceberg, if you will...

Just as the bulk of an iceberg is under water, so it is for negative emotions. 95% of what causes stress, frustration and anxiety exists below the surface of your mind – hidden to most people.

So What Really Causes Your Negative Emotions, Stress And Pain?

First of all, it’s important to realize that the human body emits a powerful “electromagnetic field”. This “bio-energy field” has been measured by scientists in the United States and many other countries. What they discovered has profound implications for anyone who wants to balance their emotions and find true happiness.

It began in 1998 ....

The HeartMath Institute published startling research on the power of the human heart to affect your mind and body. Amazingly, these scientists were able to measure the electro-magnetic energy of the human heart with highly sophisticated equipment.

They discovered that the energy field produced by the heart is far more powerful than anyone thought. In fact, they proved that the heart’s electro-magnetic energy field is as much as 5000 times stronger than the field generated by your brain!

Imagine that!

I’ll explain what this means for your well-being in a minute. First, I need to explain another important discovery...

The "Heart Center" Breakthrough:
How The Natural Power Of Your Heart Can Heal You

Many so called “mental problems” like stress, frustration, anger, anxiety, depression, are really not problems of the mind AT ALL. They are problems related to the emotional center of the heart. This explains why we see so many cases of heart disease in our modern, fast-paced, stressed-out society.

Furthermore, by teaching their subjects to generate “core heart feelings” these scientists demonstrated that the whole mind-body emotional system could quickly be brought back to balance.

This confirms what I have known for years through my own teaching and practicing of meditation. The “Heart Center” is especially important for balancing your emotions. We see this in a wide spectrum of traditions like Christian “Prayer of the Heart” and Buddhist "Loving-kindness" practice, to name just two.

Now modern science is confirming what these time-tested traditions have known for generations. Nurturing the electro-magnetic field of the heart is essential for lasting emotional health and well being. But there's more to it...

The Heart Center is powerful but it is not the only center that affects your mind, body and emotional state of being. After the Mind Center and The Heart Center, the third major energy center is the lower abdominal center -- what I call the “Body Center”. Research shows this energy center also emits a powerful electro-magnetic field.

The Body Center:
Connecting The Physical To The Spiritual And Emotional

For thousands of years, Masters from China have taught the cultivation of “vital energy” in the Body Center (they call it the “lower dantian”). These practices are becoming more and more popular today in the form of Tai Chi and Qigong. The power of the Body Center to affect your emotional state is also well-documented.

Studies show that when this energy center is working optimally, you experience health, vitality, confidence and mental stability. When this energy center is not functioning correctly, you experience instability, fear and anxiety.

But again, the Body Center is not the whole story.

My years of teaching and practicing meditation have taught me that balancing the Body Center is not enough. In fact, what I discovered is completely off the radar to many meditators and personal growth experts...

What's Missing In Most Forms Of Meditation

Thousands of studies have been conducted on the effects of meditation practice. Virtually ALL confirm the amazing benefits for body and mind. As I said before, I have practiced and taught meditation for the last 27 years, so this matches up with my own experience.

At the same time, I know meditation can get even better -- a LOT better!

You see, without blowing my own trumpet too much, I’ve worked with many, many different practices and with some of the world’s most highly-respected and sought after teachers. I found that each practice was important... and yet I knew there was something missing from each of them.

What I have found is that each system gives you a piece of the puzzle, but not the full experience.

Here's what's missing...

What Most Meditators Will Never Know... In Order To Achieve Perfect Health, Emotional Well-Being, And Confidence

For example, many systems of meditation focus only on the Mind Center while ignoring the Heart Center and Body Center. Here you get the focus and clear thinking but you don’t get the balancing of the emotions that is so important. And you don’t get that raw confidence, stability and power of the Body Center.

You’ve probably seen this yourself many times in people who have a razor sharp mind –

They could probably outthink a computer! But their heart connections with others are not as joyous and loving as they could be if they knew how to balance their Heart Center correctly.

At the same time, other systems really develop the Heart Center but miss out the tremendous power of stability, confidence and real world effectiveness of the Body Center. Here we see those wonderful souls filled with heart-felt compassion for others, but who sometimes lack the stability and confidence of the Body Center to be strong and effective in the world (and/or the qualities of the Mind Center -- the clarity of mind to create new solutions and see exciting new possibilities.)

Then there are practices like Tai Chi and Qigong, which emphasize the Body Center above all else. These improve our health and energy while giving us a feeling of stability and confidence. The downside is these practices tend to pay less attention to the Heart and Mind Centers and so many people miss out on these powerful qualities.

Unless you balance and integrate ALL the major energy centers, you miss out on the full experience and feeling of wholeness, integration and balance.

Here Is The Difference That Makes ALL The Difference...

So I began to put all the pieces together, bringing in everything I had learned over the years...

I practiced a rarely known Qigong breathing technique to strengthen the vital energy of my Body Center. I developed a system to powerfully strengthen the Heart Center and bring a profound sense of balance to the emotions. I discovered how to experience the open, natural, clear and spacious awareness in the Mind Center.

To connect them together I developed a way to clear and open the “Central Channel”.

This is the main channel of the body that runs through and connects the Body Center, Heart Center and Mind Center. I discovered that when this channel is open and energy is flowing smoothly through all your major energy centers, you experience profound health, vitality, and confidence -- good feelings as well as profound focus and clear thinking.

You’ve heard before that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts?

Well, I’ve found this is especially true when it comes to meditation. One energy center that is clear and open is a wonderful thing, but when all three energy centers are open, connected and working together, the sense of peace and wholeness you feel is so tremendously powerful, you might be wondering what it's like....

I'll try to explain the miraculous in words for you...

So What Is The Core Energy State?

Well, the first time I experienced this I was flying back home after backpacking for a month...

I had a lot of quiet time by myself travelling through Colorado, Grand Canyon, Utah and Yellowstone in the United States. I could see for miles out there. Everything was so quiet and still. It was a profound experience.


When I was flying home on the plane, I felt completely peaceful. My mind was completely clear and I felt no attachment whatsoever to anything. I felt like "If I died right now, everything is perfect." I later called this experience “The Core Energy State” and the practice that makes it possible, “Core Energy Meditation”.

The experience was so powerful and amazing. I’m sure I’ll remember it for the rest of my life. And yet, I wanted more ... much more!

Why A Powerful Meditation Experience Is Not Enough

You see, experiencing the “Core Energy State” once, or even once a day was not enough for me. I wanted a way to reproduce, expand, and deepen that state of peaceful vibration. And more than that, I wanted to live my life from that place because it felt so good!

So, over the next 25 years, I learned, developed and refined the techniques that make the Core Energy State possible. As I continued to practice Core Energy Meditation, I found myself expanding and integrating more and more. I remembered thinking to myself, “These good feelings can’t keep increasing forever. Sooner or later, things will level off.”

But things didn’t level off...

In fact, the positive growth and the good feelings kept growing and growing... for weeks, months and years. The more I practiced, the more whole and well I felt. I was feeling better and better because I now had one practice that addressed each aspect of my being and integrated them energetically.

So I began teaching and refining the practice more and more based on my experiences and the feedback from my students. Over time, I developed and simplified it so anyone can do it easily and get the profound results I enjoy in fraction of the time. And so I created the program to share this with the world...

Introducing “Raise Your Vibration: A Guide To Core Energy Meditation”

Now there is ONE practice to balance all your major energy centers – your mind, heart and body. The program is ideal for beginners and advanced meditators alike. It’s completely natural and safe. There are no reported side effects – not one.

And best of all you can practice the whole thing easily in less than 20 minutes. No need to meditate for hours (unless you want to). 20 minutes a day is all you need -- although you can practice for longer if you like.

Are you already doing some other personal growth practice?

Even better!

Core Energy Meditation works magically alongside any other personal growth practice that you might be doing already. In fact, when you're coming from a Core Energy State, you'll get the maximum out of everything else you do. That's why most participants like to practice first thing in the morning, but really any time of day is fine.

“In this program, you’ll discover the real secrets you need to create total success, wealth, and happiness. I have meditated for 10 years and recommend Kevin’s approach because it is the most effective method I know for creating a major shift in consciousness. Core Energy Meditation helped me create deeper peace, harmony, and well-being. Use this program—and change your life!”

J. V. Crum, III,

Founder/CEO, Conscious Millionaire Institute

Tampa, FL, United States

So What’s Included In This Breakthrough Program?

Well, my guess is you’re a busy person.

If you’re like me, you don’t want a longer list of yet more things you “should” be doing every day. You want the one simple practice to balance your entire being. So that’s why I settled on this short 3-CD program. I knew this would allow me to condense everything down for you to what is essential

Here’s a breakdown of what’s included...

The first two CDs explain all the key concepts you need to know. I talk you through how to approach Core Energy Meditation and what you can expect as you continue practicing. If you want, you can listen to these CDs during your “downtime,” like in your car or while you’re cleaning your house. If you enjoy listening on the move, you can transfer the audio to an iPod or portable device.

The third CD contains the guided 20 and 40-minute sessions of Core Energy Meditation. This is the essential part of the program. My students find that starting with 20 minutes is most effective. 20 minutes a day is all you really need. However, you may want to expand your practice to 40 minutes whenever you desire and you’ll certainly get more benefit when you do that. Your results will certainly accelerate, becoming deeper and more profound the more you practice.

The Booklet contains the diagram referenced in the CDs plus word-for-word transcripts of the audio. Use this diagram to get a clear understanding of the three energy centers and the central channel. It’s also great if you need to find a reference quickly, or, if you just prefer to read rather than listen.

Also included in the booklet is a Daily Practice Log. Here you can record your experiences and track your progress. It’s always good to look back on all the progress you’ve made and see the positive changes.

The Core Energy Technique. This is a short 6-minute audio that shows you how to release from the grip of ANY negative emotion or limitation in a matter of minutes. Anytime you’re feeling stressed, anxious or sad is a great time to do the Core Energy Technique. Listen along and you’ll get back into a good positive feeling usually in a matter of minutes.

What Results Can I Expect With Core Energy Meditation?

Well, as we have talked about above – there’s plenty of research which proves the power of balancing your Mind Center, Heart Center and Body Center individually.

But Core Energy Meditation goes MUCH deeper and takes your growth to a new level. How? By nurturing and integrating ALL three major centers and the Central Channel that connects them.

Here’s what one of my students had to say after practicing for just a few weeks...

Oh my God I have listened to all the CD's now, and I have to tell you I feel Great!! And after doing your meditation I know for sure that I have moved on I feel fantastic Thank you so much !! I don’t ever remember feeling this good. I will keep on practicing if I feel this good after only listening to it once I can imagine how I am going to feel in a few months time Thank you! Thank you! Thank you ! I could Hug you, this is something I have been searching for many years and I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to living the rest of my life now! Kind Regards, Julie

OK Kevin, I’m clicking here to get started with Core Energy Meditation right now!

Time and time again, my students confirm the many positive results after working with the program for just a short time. You can read more of what they have to say in a minute. But for now, here are the typical benefits you can expect with just a little consistent practice.

As your Mind Center clears and opens, you’ll be able to think more clearly. Your mind will become calmer and quieter. More and more you’ll be free from the grip of negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs. Your mind will be free to see exciting new possibilities and think more “outside the box” with this.

As your Heart Center gets stronger, your relationships will become more and more joyous, more and more open and loving. People will see and feel the positive changes in your emotions. Soon you’ll be living from that place of heart-felt appreciation, gratitude and trust.

As your Body Center gets stronger, you’ll find yourself more confident, more self-assured and more effective at taking inspired action in the world. You’ll have increased energy and a much higher level of health and immune response. And, because your energy will be more coherent and integrated, you’ll also find yourself manifesting what you deeply desire.

This brings me onto another amazing benefit of Core Energy Meditation...

How To Discover And Live Your Life Purpose

As I continued to practice and refine Core Energy Meditation, I discovered something even more profound. I noticed how much my life had changed since my backpacking trip. Back then, I wasn’t sure about where my life was heading or what I was really here to do. I felt that sense of uneasiness and confusion. Have you ever felt like that?

But after practicing Core Energy Meditation for 6 months this had fallen away completely.

I felt completely free and I also felt like my life had purpose and direction, I knew I was here to do something important for the greater good. And here’s the reason again ---

When ALL of your being is integrated energetically (mind, heart, body, and spirit) something very profound begins to happen. Through this practice you discover who you truly are and you are able to know in your gut what’s truly important for you here and now. You begin to feel a strong sense of inner guidance.

Before the program, I was stressed a lot about many topics in my life such as money, my relationship with my girlfriend and my job. My life didn't change much because I have difficulties doing the CEM every day and to put it in my routine without being pissed off doing the meditation. But the results I have notice is when I do the meditation, I got much more energy in the morning....Thanks Matt, keep the good work!

Jeff Coté
St-Mathieu-de-Beloeil, Quebec

Your life begins to take shape in magical ways! I believe that it was this strong sense of inner connection that attracted the love of my life to me. Now we live under the wide-open Colorado sky with our two sons Greg and Will. We’ve been happily married for fifteen years.

Click here to get started with Core Energy Meditation right now!

How Does Core Energy Meditation Affect Your Relationships?

Time and time again, students of Core Energy Meditation find their practice transforms their relationships (as it did for me). Why does this happen? Because conscious awareness improves your relationships with others. The more awareness you bring into your life, the less you find reactive emotional patterns spoiling your relationships with the people you care about.

You are able to simply be there and be the presence that you are for those you love. You find this experience getting deeper and more profound the more you practice Core Energy Meditation.

Of course, not everyone will be in the same place you are.....

And depending on their level of consciousness, at times their egos may feel frustrated that you don’t react emotionally in the ways you used to. They may even try to push your old buttons. But you will see their lack of consciousness for what it is, more and more with practice. The more you practice, the more you’ll be able to calmly observe their reactions and your own without “getting blown out.” And it gets better ...

You’ll find yourself rooted, more and more stable, more and more grounded in the present moment. More and more you’ll be able to accept others while still taking any necessary action the situation requires.

The struggle in your relationships will drop away more and more.

The difference is that now the action will be easy and effortless. All of these capacities increase the more you practice Core Energy Meditation. Now, before I explain how Core Energy Meditation can help you manifest your true life-purpose, let me take a minute to talk about an important issue for many people...

How Do I Reconcile This With Strongly Held Religious Beliefs?

Many students have a partner or close friend with strongly held religious beliefs. Maybe you do too? When they began their practice, they wanted to know how Core Energy Meditation fits in with a belief system like Christianity (or even “non-religious” frameworks like secularism or agnosticism).

Well, first of all, Core Energy Meditation works well with any religious or non-religious framework. Like eating well and exercising, it is based on common sense scientific principles that nurture health and well-being in the body and mind. It is a universal practice for any human being.

Core Energy Meditation does not conflict with any other tradition. However, it may appear to conflict with someone’s incomplete understanding of the Deeper Truth of their tradition.

I am a Christian and desire to understand more of God. To get rid of blocks/negative attitudes that, stop the love/life of god flowing from me. Core Energy Meditation ...I have modified CEM to a more Christian aspect as in letting Jesus cleanse me when using the meditation and allowing his body and life to flow through/in/from me and meditating a scripture whist doing CEM (As God is so I am!!) Thank you for the program and other recommendations. Thank you

Mark Smith
United Kingdom

For example, many Christians who practice Core Energy Meditation tell me they feel more connected to God after their practice and throughout their day. Many say that they appreciate the opportunity for “silent prayer” that the practice gives them. This is a great way to explain what you’re doing to others who might not readily accept the practice at first...

How To Explain This To Someone With Strongly Held Religious Beliefs...

Rather than getting into a debate about what’s right and what’s wrong, it’s often best to just say:

“I’m spending a little quiet time each day with God in silent prayer” and leave it at that.

After all, many traditions like Christianity emphasize the importance of prayer, so it’s unlikely you’ll get many arguments on that point. The only difference with silent prayer is that by being quiet and still, you’re giving God the opportunity to speak. Just as the bible says, “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).

In the same way, being still is often the best way to approach this issue with some people whose egos are identified with a narrow understanding of their tradition. Many times it’s best to stay out of a debate if you know it’s not going to get you anywhere! Let your presence and stillness do the talking! You’ll know for yourself when it’s a good idea to talk about your spiritual practice and when it’s not.

Remember, at the end of the day, not everyone is going to approve of everything you do. This is actually a great spiritual practice for the student of Core Energy Meditation – allowing others to be as they are. This is your opportunity to “Be the change you wish to be in the world” as Gandhi said. Jesus used different words to make the same point, “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35).

Click here to get started with Core Energy Meditation right now!

And this brings me on to perhaps the most exciting thing about practicing Core Energy Meditation --- when you begin to see people and the world around you changing for the better...

How To Manifest What You Truly Want

Core Energy Meditation gives you a broadband connection to your inner guidance system. Without that, it’s really like being adrift at sea. Have you ever felt like that? I did when I was younger.

So often, we try to manifest what we think we want from the wrong place. Without that sense of integration and coherence, I felt constantly pulled off center by thoughts, feelings and surface level desires. Not a great place to manifest good things from, right?

Is there a better way?

Yes there is! ...

The law of attraction says that “our energetic vibration attracts similar vibrations.” So if you want to attract radiant health, financial prosperity and amazing relationships, do you really just want a small piece of these things, or do you want it all?

Of course you want it all!

You want the mind part, the heart part and the physical vitality part. You want the rich and exciting experience of life in ALL its fullness.

You want this full flow of energy and power in all dimensions of your being. You want to be developing your whole energetic vibration. You want the whole package!

Core Energy Meditation develops ALL aspects of your energetic vibration and connects them together so there’s wholeness and coherence. That coherent vibration then attracts experiences in line with it...

All of those things you want in life are drawn to you, and you express and create them through your energy and the actions you are guided to take.

Before Core Energy Meditation, I was out of work on disability. Now I am more energetic, calm and at peace with myself at the same time .. I’ve got out of a rut and applied for new positions and have myself a new job starting in a few weeks. I am feeling so much better about myself. Things just seem to fall in place now!!!!

Rob Rossi
Philadelphia, PA
United States

Click here to get started with Core Energy Meditation right now!

What Will Happen When You Practice Core Energy Meditation?

First, you’re going to sit down, close your eyes, focus inward, and listen to the step-by-step instructions I’ll give you. As you listen to my voice, you’ll be guided along to relax and align your posture, calm your emotions, and focus your mind. It's like taking a break from your busyness.

Next, you’ll be guided through each of the major energy centers in turn.

Core Energy Meditation is great for focusing the mind because all you have to do is follow along with my voice. I’ll give lots of very easy instructions to follow as we move through each of the energy centers.

Typically you’ll be feeling part of your inner body, or feeling an emotion or following a breathing technique. All the cues are very easy to follow,

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